
    +2  Views: 830 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers


    Yes, I agree with you, now she is at rest, away from her troubled life, of drink and drugs.

    The cause of her death is the same as suiciding. I mean don't we all know that 'ecstasy, cocaine and ketamine' don't mix together for a healthy diet....On the other hand what a waste of life...she should've just listened and gone for rehabilitation when she was advised to do so..

    RIP now :)


    R.I.P :) now...

    They do not know what she died from. The cause has officially been determined as undetermined. So, no drugs and no alcohol. Now, do you still consider her death akin to suicide?

    lol Colleen...I read that this is what she last purchased before her death and the media said that this is the most likely cause...i haven't got updated on her with the autopsy...anyways hope she's resting.i.p . i guess you can never trust what the media tells you hundred percent...:) Bye.

    After the autopsy, the cause of her death has been ruled, undetermined. They do not know what she died from. According to her boyfriend she was clean and sober. Yet I see a Jesus believer here judging and saying she won't go to heaven. Does he really have the right to make that call without knowing all the facts that led to her death? Only God knows. Perhaps it was God Himself who called her home because her troubles were greater than her spirit could endure. I trust in God's love. Too bad others can not trust the same way.


    Hopefully her fans will see the futility of drugs and booze. I don't think she'll be seeing the pearly gates.


    Nope, the pearly gates are for Christians only. Everyone else just goes on in. :)

    Yes, Colleen -- Amy will walk on in. ty.

    What makes you say that "ed"?

    I had relatives who drank. I hated it. Absolutely. I walk past a drunk on the street and I get mad all over again.

    I have two addictions. I can not get over them to save my life. 1) I am addicted to sweets. If they enter my house, I usually dump them down the disposal (but not always)2) I am addicted to Nicotine. I don't smoke but I chew Nicotine Gum. This has been going on for about 20 years! I simply can't cope without it, (Expensive stuff!) Such is addiction. I got off easy, but I do understand it.

    We could find out more if the members of the 27 Club could magically talk to us. Amy Winehouse is dead ... just for a few days try to understand her pain.


    I have no pity for druggies and alcoholics.

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