9 Answers
(possible spoiler ahead)
I just saw the new 'Pirates' movie in 3D last night, the story of looking for the 'fountain of youth'. This story had been told in hundreds of movies, as any treasure movie, good guys have the map, bad guys want the map, all end up at the treasure at the same time.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
I like the classic movie's some of the newer are pretty good here is one Open Range with Robert Duvall made like a cross between Shane and unforgiven.The actor's back in classic Hollywood really new how to act no cgi. Heres my list of my favorite old movies 1.To kill a mockingbird 2.The Ghost and Mrs Muir 3.Ben-hur 4.The big country 5.Qua Vadis I am going to stop or this will be a huge list
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Some of the new ones are very good these days, but I'm afraid this is because of the special effects and technology we have these days.
Most of the newer movies are lacking in plot, and you have to know someone to get a script approved, I don't think you can even put them in the same category.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Oh yes! Most definitely! Mainly because of the people who starred in them. There's something about the old time actors. Acting was more of an art for them. You can tell they put their heart into what they did. It was more than just a job.
I've seen all the John Wayne movies. Love him.
Little Woman the Liz Taylor version
Cleopatra, Liz again
Meet me in St Louis/ Judy Garland love all her movies with Mickey Rooney too.
Ben Hur always one of my favs.
And just so many others. I watch very little TV but when I do, I hit TCM (Turner Classic Movies) first. They show all the old movies.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |

"Might become friends. O dear"
Well now we can't have that, can we? ; ) Maybe I'll scare you and give you a thumbs up too...
My first TU for you colleen. I neet to be careful lol. Never had one from you yet. Might become friends. O dear
I can appreciate old movies but to be honest, they scare the crap out of me. It's some weird phobia I have, especially the silent movies with Charlie Chaplin... I've had nightmares about them where my whole dream is black and white and I can't talk in them ... anyway, needless to say I won't be watching them.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
It could be worse, I could have what some people on this site have which is "Epistemophobia" :p
Sometimes my wife gives me the silent movie treatment lol Prefer the sound