    what is causing thinging and icheing on most of my body. even my head ichesand thingles. i have a few whelps on parts of mt stomach and hips?

    +2  Views: 1513 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Do you have pets? It could be fleas. With the welts on your body, I'm suspecting some kind of bug bite. You could be allergic to the bites or if not bugs, it could be hives caused by stress. Either way, see a doctor.



    thank u, but i have no pets or been around any. i am goin though alot. i lost my husband to a heart attact in dec. faimly keeps my nerves rocken big time


    Then I'm going to say hives, especially with the stress you've been under. See a doctor for some meds to get you over them.

    Unlikely you will see these guys ,what ever course you choose good luck . Shampoos only ten bucks what can that hurt . Every thing I suggest has worked for me in the past .

    Sounds like you got into some bugs. In the spirt of do no harm,buy some Selsun Blue Shampoo its 10 bucks a bottle I know that sucks ,just do it .The chemical make up of that shampoo kills  bugs . Time to look at the bedding and wash that with the hottest water you can get . There are some over the counter things you can use ,after you try that its time for the Doctor .   I hope something I suggested works . There is a site for home remidies called : A to Z healthbeautyandfitness,this is like haveing a Doctor in your back pocket . Strange name excellant resource . Good Luck


    do friends have all checked my hair and body out. no bugs no where. but thank u

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