    My daughter and I were both out on the balcony at night and suddenly this thin beam of light, like a laser, shot out of the sky and hit both me and my daughter in the eye even though we were both standing in different positions. We looked at each other and said, "What the frick was that?" It was very sudden and lasted about 3 seconds. Neither of us have ever seen anything like that before. Does anyone have any idea what it could have been?

    +2  Views: 437 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Here in the Bay Area of CA we have several airports I live about 2 miles from a military base, there are strict FAA rules when flying through at approach altitude, it is mandatory that landing lights remain on during decent and takeoff until they are out of the traffic area.  Where i live sometimes as they are turning final, they drop the wing, if they are low enough and the turn is steep enough, this landing light will hit my home for a split second, very bright and very sudden..  Perhaps this is a possibility for you too..  It is rare for us but when it happens, I know what it is..

    Stephanie Larson

    Thank you so much for your thoughtful and informative answer. We, too, live right near Pearl Harbor, Fort Shafter and some other militry base so your answer makes the most sense. I wasn't scared or anything, just very curious. Otherworldly phenomena are fascinating to me but I'm also very rational and will pick the most logical answer first. How lucky you live in the Bay Area. I lived in both San Francisco (my magic city) and Berkeley and not only is it beutiful (northern Calif.) but there seems to be a higher sensibility and awareness to those who live there, or is it just my imagination cause I love it there so much? You see I grew up in Santa Monica, CA and you kow what that is pretty much about -- movie stars, artificial body parts -- okay I'm not being fair. But there are more corny people there who seem like they are from the midwest, somwhere along the Mississippi maybe. I've lived there too and it was a real culture shock. Thanks again, Stephanie Larson

    Yes Stephanie, it is beautiful here but in regards to 'bay area awareness'? Perhaps, but definitely not when it comes to driving, 'No two solid objects may occupy the same space at the same time'. This theory they don't seem to understand.. :) Maybe they are sightseeing.. You too live in a beautiful place, enjoy what you have and don't worry about the strange lights, there's usually a reason for things we don't understand, you just need to look, its there.. But then there things we don't understand and can't seem to find the reason, this is the phenomena you speak of.. Curious minds are open minds, stay open and curious, its how we learn...

    I saw a Blue Oval float across the night sky. I've never seen anything like that. I called the airport, the newspaper ... other people. Nobody knew and nobody else saw it. Maybe we were selected from our neighborhood.  <ha> well, who knows.


    yes, dad, a delusional illusion

    Holy Cow.  I may have to defer this question to GRANDPA3. 

    Grandpa3, though a little weird, knows a lot about supernatural stuff.  I am sure he's been hit by a 'thin beam of light' once too many times.

    Maybe a delusion about a illusion!


    Vision delusion illusion?

    Maybe was a secret agent looking for his x wife?

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