    Apart from Jesus who was the greatest person ever to live?

    +11  Views: 3943 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: people hero

    There has and never will be a greater than Jesus. My opinion.


    Let's not preclude Jesus from the competition. There are other philosophies, and other candidates for the top spot.

    29 Answers

    Ghandi .

    I was voted up on this question but once again when we mention the name Jesus it brings anger. I was voted down for using His name.


    You know what friendindeed being perscuted for Jesus is something the bible says we will go through and if that is what I am being persecuted for then I say just pray for them and go on......I love all your answers myself........Darci


    its sad but true i said it on another post you can mention god all day gut as soon as you mention "jesus" everyone is up in arms


    Its nice to get votes but not at the cost of dropping Jesus name. Keep up the good fight Daren


    Sammy66. I dont mean to go on and on. It is the subject I like to ask questions about and there are believers and non belivers on here who enjoy the debate. I would not vote you down for asking a question that I dont like.


    with all due respect friendindeed we have heard so much about jesus,most of the questions on here are about him, it just keeps going on and on and on.


    Me too was voted down for telling what JESUS TEACHES .

    To me Abraham Lincoln he has honor and he kept the USA whole and ended slavery!!""

    any person who risks there life to save another


    what is it the bible says I know I will not get this right there is no greater love than one that will lay down his life for another........Darci

    My Mom, My best friend and confidant and encourager. I miss you dearly still.......


    My Mom is 88 and my best friend also. I dread the day she is not here.


    I like that answer darci.TU

    Thanx Tommy getting sadder by the day it is getting close to anniversary of her death 11/21. Thank you.

    martin luther king

    If I had to pick a man (other than Jesus) that I personally would liked to meet I think George Washington would be my pick.

    2 Kings:2 (King James Version)

    Elijah, he did not die, he was taken to heaven.


    Headless Man

    Great answer....TU

    Thanks, Randy!
    His disiples

    My grandmother.


    Hey Jess, you are so pretty!

    saint paul...
    Jesus said,"John the Baptist." God took Enoch, and Moses up to heaven in a chariot of fire. So Bibilically speaking: John the Baptist.

    The person who invented the dishwasher.

    Ahem , Me?

    You have my vote :)

    THank You Colleen :D

    I like it!

    Maybe Paul. When you read his testamony and what he went through for Jesus I would put him in the running for sure.


    Yes I agree. We have it so easy these days compared to mant in the past. Also many on Earth now who dont have the easy time we have

    This is easy, my stepfather who has been my dad since I was 18 months old.......


    Aside from me, I'm thinking.

    Wolfgang A. Mozart he is one of the greatest composers that ever lived and  there is  J.F.K for  stopping the Cuban missile crisis back in the early 1960's two truly great men!!!""""


    No One comes close to JESUS  !!!!!!!!




    He looks like Lee Marvin to me!

    MOSES  . God constituted  Moses mediator of the Law covenant with Israel, an intimate position such as no man has ever held before God except Jesus Christ.


    The greatest person in heaven is the father of Jesus Christ, the only true God.

    Virgin Mary.

    Charles Darwin

    From him is a divide that crosses 3 religions who all believe in him and recite words from when he walked with the Lord. It was told this man, that he would be the father of many nations.

    From him, we have Jacob who became Israel. From Israel (Jacob), we have the 12 tribes which comprise of individuals who now reside in every part of the world. One day, they shall gather together.

    Your sister,
    INCLUDING jesus, no.1 is a. einstein.
    myself thankyou

    jesus does not make the top 10. albert einstein is no. 1 by far.


    If you pay close attention to the phrasing of the question Jesus is included in the top ten, just couldn't help your self by taking a jab at Him... t.d.

    They jabed at Him when He was arested. They still do. God will have the last say Leeroy

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