    i m single middle aged lady a guy in my life helps me in every field but he ask me to be physical it hurts me lot i cant survive without him what should i do

    +1  Views: 188 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    He helps you in "every field." He gives you his time and attention. This sounds like caring to me. Talk to him. Tell him that being physical hurts you.  I assume that being physical means having sex.

    Sex should not be painful. You will need to talk to a doctor about this. Can you do that? Middle age is a time when sex should feel good and put you at ease.  He needs sex too. Without it, he feels a kind of pain. Without it, he will have to go to someone else for sex. Is this ok with you? 

    Are you a virgin? Has sex ever been pain free?  I realize you've had two points of view here. That's good. You will make up your own mind.

    I didn't hear you say that he forced sex on you.  Asking for sex is an ok thing.

    Dump his butt out the door as fast as you can. Find someone who will help you (for money if need be) and not ask for anything physical in return.

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