    i m single middle aged lady aguy is in my life helps me a lot but he wants to be physical with me it hurts me a lot i m very thankfull for his help its true that i cant survive without him what should i do

    +4  Views: 386 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    You can survive without him. Believe in yourself, and you will see he is not the one for you. Let him go, and wait on your knight in shining armor to come to you.


    yes! better to wait for man on horse then to settle for a monkey on a stick...

    Guess, it depends on how you feel about him emotionally, or you could explain, your not intrested in a relationship, (in nice way) you just want friendship.

    Don't lower yourself to his level, God will bless you, if not in a church find one and pray.

    Your man doesn’t own your body. If sex is a problem for you tell him, “No sex”. My girl has stated her objections and I’m still with her.  Our relationship is more important than sex or the lack there of. Our culture will likely change over time to favor some Chinese and/or Japanese views on sexuality in marriage as we increasingly become one people.  


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