    sorry colleen

    +3  Views: 493 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Oh I know what now. No worries!! I just wanted to make sure you understood only one click on the thumbs up so when you give a thumbs up to other members you won't click 2X and take it away. It is a very common newbie mistake so please, don't feel bad about it. ;)

    Umm, for what? LOL

    Welcome tugboat.

    Has peoplelover really been suspended? I saw where Leeroy asked this under someone elses question but he did not receive an answer. I know he can be grumpy and a bit crass at times but he has a good heart and I can;t imagine him saying something so terrible that he would not be allowed to be part of q@a any longer.


    No, he's not been suspended. I had to post some pictures for him because he couldn't get them to upload. Maybe that's why Leeroy asked?
    country bumpkin

    Thanks for your answer. I saw those pictures, it is beautiful where he lives. I find it so strange how no one ever looks the way you imagine them. The mental image I had of peoplelover is/was of a very frail ole man with barely any hair. Boy was I off. lol

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