    a 2002 Ford windstar has had 2 new lternators, 1St was showing 14 between the ult and 8 on the battery side..the company built a new one, but the car would drive 40/50 feet up to 2 miles and stall, restarted in nutral ok, had anew starter and gas filter installed and has been scoped by 2 different certified mechanics,last one a ford dealership who charged us over $200 and did nothing and were stumped, this has been going on for a month..The week before all this happened I ran over a highway mark

    2 new ultranators, new fuel pump,gas filter, new ignition and key????, 4 mechanics 2 diagnostic scans.last said it was fuel pump, but idles quietly for hours????


    +1  Views: 464 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Sounds like the fuel pump to me also. It will idle with a bad pump but once you call for fuel to make it drive, the pump is not giving it what it needs and the engine is using up the small amount of fuel that gravity feed gives it. This is why it stalls.

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