    Its time for a For and Against vote. Do you believe in God or Not? *stand up and be counted*

    +22  Views: 6567 Answers: 84 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: for or vote against

    No I don't. What kind of God would allow children to suffer. What kind of God would allow all the pain that is happening in the world right NOW....No I do not believe in God. I believe in evolution. I was brought up a Mormon and I lost it around 14 when the President had a great revelation, I won't say what it was...but after that, I just think that God is not up in the sky watching all the suffering down here. Not possible!

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    The question is fine just like what ever your answer, opinion is.
    Why vote down this question? friendindeed here is my thumbs up for your question.

    Verna Hendrickson

    My God and your God may not be the same. The God I conger up is deals with truth, forgiveness, mercy, comforter and much more. I do believe in God. All over the world God is the entity on a higher level than man. We are a weak society if we don't have a God to look to for strength. My God loves praise from me and thanksgiving and gratitude for all that I have. I love my neighbor just as I love myself. We are in the same flesh state. We are not that different.



    84 Answers (31-60 Displayed)

    I believe that God is the goodness in the soul and the goodness in the Universe.

    I like these questions because I can give away a lot of thumbs up.

    I believe.


    itsmee..It is good you believe. TU for that

    Too each his own. A VERY loaded question. Some folks here will definitely get riled up over the responses! (:

    I don't believe in god.
    Nor do I believe in the bogeyman or the tooth fairy.sorry but there it is i dont expect anyone to agree with or want to convert them into non believers.Everyone should think for themselves and make up their own minds but respect others beliefs.




    I believe.


    I believe in God. I feel that there is SOMEONE around making things smooth and possible. Sometimes even if you really work hard for something, yet you can't have it. Why? Because there's something better in store for you. I know most of us feel this too.

    i said it once it still remains the same YES

    Yes I believe with all my heart!

    it doesnt hurt to believe. Offers hope. What i dont believe is the 69 virgins from islamic extremism. What a croc of S&%T that is.

    It's about 2 months ago I asked this question. We now have a lot more members so it will be good to see if the vote changes

    I stand up for GOD ................What ever it takes.................................

    why is it necessary to have a belief ?we are the process of thought , awareness to explore all possibilities is what I give birth to.

    Yes, I believe in God.

    At a rough count 34 out of 60 answers believe in God. This does not count comments. Roughly 50/50

    Headless Man

    Thats sad, not to many years ago it would have been 90% believe. Don't mean the non-believers are wining just means GOD wrath on this country is at hand.


    Also Randy I am sure there are more on here who do believe but dont say so.

    Nice to see there are a lot of you believe in our great Creator


    Jesus is God,

    I am  STILL BELIVING IN GOD.........................................WE ARE HERE FROM HIS CREATION !!

    You aren't voting for GOD. You're voting for satan.GOD created you and everything else.what if GOD is voting with them 50 million aborted babies.To send everybody that voted to legalize killing babies to that lake of fire.


    Nothing like a bit of brotherly love papa peg You obviously have never become pregnant fro gang rape.

    papa peg

    I know a woman who had two abortions.She loved kid's very much.She meet a guy and loved him too.She got pregnant he told her to abort the baby or he wood leave.So she did and she got pregnant again and aborted that baby. the boyfriend left her she found a man got married and has three daughters.And a couple grandchildren.I don't think abortion should be used as a birth control option.Why don't women think about adoption.Sorry if i made you upset DON.


    I am voting for the will to believe in what one chooses to believe in ... to have faith ... I will tell you that I would never wantingly kill another soul. I can't even kill a bug and when I was told I was pregnant at 47 years old abortion was not on the table even though we were pressured to do so. My husband and I gave birth to the most beautiful boy on this planet ... I am not bragging ... he is amazing. Ok...I am a little biased. We just love our boy.

    YES, I personally believe in God. However, to each their own.

    Hi again Guys

    This and other threads resulted is hundreds of emails. Many of you believe in God and that is good. But it is like 95% opinion and 5% fact. Some are fooled by the many religious lies that are told about God because they have done very little serious research. Its is a very mixed bag. Some people like what I have posted and some are bordering on the abusive. Permit me to explain; when you are abusive you have already lost the argument. Ask any person who has had serious authority. When one of the staff is slagging you off you do not confront them you just mark their card. This is what the Almighty is doing he is marking all our cards. Here is the evidence.

    (Romans 9:17-18) . . .For the Scripture says to Phar?aoh: “For this very cause I have let you remain, that in connection with you I may show my power, and that my name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 So, then, upon whom he wishes he has mercy, but whom he wishes he lets become obstinate.

    This is the argument Paul made to Roman Christians 2000 years ago setting an all time precedent. You all know the story of the ten plagues God brought on Egypt some 3,500 years ago. You all know that in the Jewish religion they still celibate the passover each year of how God brought them out of slavery and dealt Egypt's rulers and their army a devastating blow at the Red Sea. Now later when Israel entered the promised land, all the Nations trembled because they had heard what Israel's God did to the mightiest world power of that age and its Ruler Ramses II. If you have ever been to Egypt you can still you visit the Ramseseum and the temple at Karnak built by this once mighty ruler.

    Look out it up in your bible and in Wikipedia and for other threads in this series.

    Did Jesus ever lose his temper?

    Should you believe in the Trinity?

    Does man have an immortal soul?

    Does God make bad people suffer in a fiery hell?

    Is it true that once you are saved you are always saved?

    I do believe in God and Jesus as my saviour.
    I am a Christian and my life revolves atound God.

    I would say yes if i were asked if i believe in God even if there was a death threat .


    I believe

    I believe in God...That he created us, He loves us, and after Adam fell, the rest of mankind fell with him into sin, the only way out was through Jesus Christ. Who is both Man and God, we don't have to fully understand that fact and he doesn't ask us to, he just asks us to acknowledge it. And that through Jesus Christ's death and resurection we are given a chance for salvation and justification by just believing in him and giving our lives to him. I believe that because of this death the Holy Spirit can now live inside of us and work through us. I believe that Jesus is coming back and the day of judgement will come...and that everything else before Christ was just a shadow to him, and the law could never really be fulfilled by man. And God never really wanted anyone to fully fulfill the law, but just belief, our salvation has and always will be based on belief

    I take offense at your statement. This is between me and my God, I pray in the he asked....

    Yes I do believe in God and and at the same time,  I do not believe in arguing with people who do not. You cannot convince anyone about anything, when they are angry.  When a person wants to know what I believe, they can ask me, then I will tell them. No one learns anything during a screaming match!


    I love science and physics research so really NO .

    This ignorant hypocite is setting himself up as a judge LOL. No True Christian, need stand up, before any worldly self appointed judge/Inquisitor. The dark ages are past, he is an evil rennment (incarnate} left over from the dark ages. God need only knows ones heart, and He does. Oh dark one, you are no friend of God, you are lost from Him. Seek repentance within, you still have a chance.

    William, this Great Power is in you it is called LIFE. What do you think is packing this pile of dirt around (the Body)? You presently the "personality" of that body, asking the profound question, the greatest question, "Who am I?" This is a the beginning of the true journey.

    The Great Why of ones self for it will always lead to the solution which is, "Who?" For you are not the personality nor the body save the its occupant temporarily. Problem is the personality thinks it is the one or master, not recognizing the reality of ones true self; the life within as the true self. The body and personality pass away the Life/Soul simply moves on, as awaking from a dream.

    Anything that ends is a dream! Gods shape is a Living Essence, its form and shape is what is GOOD, and all that Good reflects in its many shapes. The Universe, a living planet, a tree, an animal, all perfect shapes of this good of God. As man generates the Good then and only then id he in the shape of God. I ask you to believe nothing only to use the Power of Spirit to think; to ponder. Take it for what it is worth . . . good luck. ;)

    If someone would tell me where He is, I would not have to believe, I would know. Does He live somewhere out in space? Its cold out there, and there is no air. So why does he have a nose? To believe means to accept something as true, even if there is no evidence. I can't do that.


    William the evidence is all around in all and of all things great and small in his many manifest shapes, clearly seen with mortal eyes. Yet He is more, He is the living power of all, not seen with mortal, but perceived in mind and heard in heart. I know that is hard to think in such a manner at first, one must try and try again ever asking for knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom only. Evidence is at this level of Perception (3rd Eye)is Love, Peace, this is the Joy. The sight is inward, don't try to give this task to your mortal eyes.

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