    my boyfriend of 5 years cheated when we were both at the same party together. i still want to be with him, but i cant stop hurting!

    +3  Views: 731 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    Your boyfriend is showing you all the signs that he don't care about you. It's time for you to make a decision.


    You're so right Pam.

    Right on my friend.

    very good point Pamela :)

    Thanks, Mel!

    you are going to have to forget him and move on,or live with it until he does it many more times..............then maybe you can stop short,kick him to to the curb and do a massive burn out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Darl, I know person who was engaged to someone who constantly cheated on her at parties. She remained with the guy and guess what he continued on his cheating pathway. He made life miserable for her. Get rid of him, he is not worth it. If you want a happy life with someone who really loves you, leave this guy. You may be miserable for a while, but it will end and you will find someone who really loves you.

    let him go. hes just going to continue to crap all over you. and what makes it so bad is your staying with him is allowing him to crap on you. im sure there are plenty of NICE guys who wants a nice girl. let that riff raff go.

    His actions maybe a one off,(I doubt it) but every body deserves a second chance.Its up to you if you can forgive him ,but be prepared to get hurt again if there is a next time.

    You do really know what you should do get rid and move on everyone on this site has said get rid of this two timing person and get your selve a new life and you will stop hurting get out there and enjoy good luck


    Well said, Mel!

    Thanks Pamela LOL

    There all right. Move on Idid now i have a house - car- two dogs and three girl friends, Tdaaa


    watch out ladies! ha ha

    I am not suggesting that you do anything drastic, xxxxx,  at this point.""


    Damn Tiger !!!! I like that Chiangmai.

    Not good enough, Tiger should be carrying his head in hands. Randy's avatar is good example. lol!

    Lovely, Star

    I think you are a sucker for punishment ,your just allowing him to walk all over you,these booths are made for walking,and there going to all over you! Ring a bell?

    Leave him. Maybe listen to IamPamela. Now let him see you with someone new. Find someone quick. Flirt your head off. Smile. Never let him see you're hurt. Just dump him. Let us know how it turns out.

    Get real girl!  He's cheating and could be bring back to you some very unwelcome gifts IE:  Herpies. HIV, Pubic lice, and a mirad of other problems.  Boys are like busses, there will be another along soon.

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