    Why do so many people blame Obama for the national debt when we were almost bankrupt before he got into office and his strategies saved us from going into a recession? The war and many other pre-Obama Administration issues contributed to the economic conditions. Why is the blame so against Obama when he has only helped to stabilize the country in spite of where it was headed before he took office?

    This is ridiculous that the world is not blame shifting and acting ignorant to the facts.   Why do so many people blame Obama for the national debt when we were almost bankrupt before he got into office and his strategies saved us from going into a recession? The war and many other pre-Obama Administration issues contributed to the economic conditions.  Why is the blame so against Obama when he has only helped to stabilize the country in spite of where it was headed before he took office?

    +6  Views: 3449 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: politics


    I totally agree!

    14 Answers

    Good question and comments.  I have no answer for your question.  There are people who cop and attitude about anything.  Contempt prior to investigation.  There are some news sites that are in the blame, blame, blame game.  There are people who prefer to remain in the problem and not choose to be working toward the solution. There are as many opinions about our financial problems as there are people.  We are a nation that promotes "they are out to get us" mentality.  We have Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Libertarians etc with different views.  I feel blessed that I live in a country that accepts our differences.  That is what we are made up of. 

    My problem, is I don't undertand how WE have let our country be run by career politians and big business.  I would like to go back to "We, the People..."

     I rest my case.  Let's all be nice and communicate, not cut each other down.  How about everybody giving some solutions, maybe we can work toward the problem together.


    I want one of these for my lawn



    country bumpkin

    I thought that was your lawn and you made the sign.

    LOL, no..found this on Facebook.

    very good Colleen

    George Bush started the ball rollling and Obama is running with it. He's spending all your money on wars that  should not be.

    As i see it , being an outsider what i'v read in the Business Weekly, Time magazine and the news The Obama Administration inherited the problems caused by the former administrations over the last decade.


    He inherited a problem and rather than deal with it, he increased it by 6 trillion I believe was the figure I saw the other day. Clinton inherited a debt too and left office with a surplus.

    But, BUSH inherited a SURPLUS and SANK THE COUNTRY!

    Great response dad59,you couldn't of said it any better!



    Colleen, Bulletman here , do you find when you a do a photograph ,you can't add text within the same answering box?"

    Add your text first. Then space down 2 times and add the photo.

    See photo below.

    Thanks,Colleen i will try that next time.

    'helped to stabilize the country '  Now where do you see stabilize???  And where do you see that we were 'almost' bankrupt before Obama took office??

    And where do you see he 'kept us from going into a recession?? we are already in recession...  Granted we were not in the best of shape but the had existed even in Clinton's time, and if my memory serves me, it was in Clintons last two years in office that the problem really begin to show itself, remember all the military base closures>>??

    Why can't Obama supporters quit blaming Bush??  Why can't obama supporters begin understanding that these 'trillions' of dollars of Obama stimulus package (s) did not work?? I see one here in bay Area CA that Obama made a special trip to present a huge stimulus that is now gone out of business (solar panels) Where did this cash go?? This is just one that comes to mind and it's only 12 miles from me. I am talking Millions of dollars there.Obama so far IMHO has done nothing for this country but put us in deeper debt than any other president ever elected by far!..

    Obama deficit strategy? You are maxed out on your credit card, so you call the credit card company and tell them to raise your limit so you can buy more stuff you can't pay for. To many, this is ok because they do it all the time in their personal lives.

    Sorry, I won't blame Obama entirely but you must see that he too had made some serious mistakes and Obama followers refuse to say no to his policies because its a total 'line to the kool aid stand'..  It's amazing here in the bay area Liberal society that when I talk to a Obama supporter that the 'majority' of them can not converse without bringing up GWB and then get into name calling and vicious attacks-- Simply because they do not know all the facts and are blinded by Obama praise as the messiah  

    Short and sweet. There is too much government wasteful spending.

    He signed up for the job knowing that if things got better, he would get the glory.  Otherwise, the blame.  It goes with the territory of making the "Big Bucks!"

    because HE`S BLACK


    Not good answer.. I don't like his white side either..

    So let's see now...Bush (and all other presidents) get the blame because they're white? Now, doesn't that sound silly?

    no not stupid. there is your answer, all the others were white, did you hear all that controversy over the white guys? where they were born? who they parents are? come on what kind of crap is that? or is it the fact that hes half and half?

    you are watching too much msnbc and cnn wake up his liberal spending has hurt more than any thing he has done

    Hi Colleen. Know what, I don't have the answers to this question. What do we do? Yeah, get people in place that will do the job they are supposed to. I am glad you voted, I wish everyone cared enough about our country to vote. Ya know what, that is the answer. Have the American publis properly informed and have everyone that can vote, do so. Will that ever happen, nah....As for the surplus left by Clinton, there was no surplus. He ha the budget in balance, that's all. There was still a massive deficit, it never went away  nor was it ever paid off. He simply had the country in budget with a yearly surplus for his terms in office. You are certainly right about being in wars that we should not be in but we are nonetheless, there. It is therefore, our duty to support our troops be it right or be it wrong. Those guys are out there fighting for our country no matter what. It does not matter how we feel about it, they need us. I simply do not think that continued political bickering will ever get us anywhere at all. As for Sen. McCain, who knows what would have happened. I did not favor him either though. Yeah, I am republican but only because I have more of their views than I do the Democratic party. I loved Clinton as president, he was real, I liked that. Bush, OMG, what a disaster that was. Our current administration, I personally do not care for but no matter what, Obama is our leader and I do try to support his efforts if they are to me, good decisions. However, I have not seen good policies from the white house, I certainly do not see improvements in our economic troubles. Unemployment down, no it's not. All that has happened is that people have run out of benefits time and are therefore, off the unemployment compensation rosters. I think you and I are of the same thinking, I think everyone is of the same thinking. We all want a government that works and we can have that but the key to it all is the participation of the American people. Continued elections where a small percentage of registered voters actually vote will only result in continued disaster for our nation. Votes always matter, each and every one of them. You're right, there are many people that vote for for popularity and not on issues. Our current presidency is a really good example of that very thing. Like it or not, race was also a large part of the last election and that's OK, it's all a natural progression of things and had to happen that way. President Obama sincerely cares about our nation, there is no doubt about that at all; I hope that in the end, his legacy is one of a great leader. How do we achieve voting equality so that popular votes are replaced with informed voters casting informed votes for qualified candidates. I don't know how, wish I did. Maybe as we go to vote, we should be presented with a brief quiz about the candidates to ensure that each voter knows what the issues are and knows where each candidate stands. Hmm, eh, that would never work either, the American punlic would never go for total informed people. Some of us have to stay dumbed up to make the whole thing work. Talk back to me Colleen, We are all in this thing together, who knows, we may be able to make a difference after all.


    "Know what, I don't have the answers to this question. What do we do? "

    OK, I only asked because you said this:

    "We put these people in Washington and only we can fix this. We know what we have to do but I doubt we will do it"

    I was just wondering what that fix was.

    "He simply had the country in budget with a yearly surplus for his terms in office. "

    He simply put? Well if it's so simple, even the simpleton we have in office should have been able to do it too. There was still a surplus and we had room in the open credit when he left but I'm really in no mood to spend the next hour going back and forth over that. The point is, he walked into a deficit and walk out with a nation enjoying itself with no worries of an collapsing economy.

    "Obama is our leader and I do try to support his efforts if they are to me, good decisions."

    That's what I love about being an American. Exercising my right not to support a moron. He is not our leader. He is in it for himself and his Muslim friends. The "if they are good to me" is that all inclusive for all Americans or just the privileged Americans? Maybe the Muslim Americans? Just wondering.

    "President Obama sincerely cares about our nation, there is no doubt about that at all"

    I doubt it, my friends doubt it, even my mother doubts it. We'd all like for him and his snake of a wife to go home to Africa and stay there. You see, none of us believe he is natural born. Just because the Obama lovers accepted his fake birth certificate, does not mean the rest of us were duped...yes there are still thousands who do not believe.

    "I hope that in the end, his legacy is one of a great leader."

    Bwaaahahaha!!!! Are you a closet Obama lover? The more I read of what you wrote here, the more I believe you are.

    "Talk back to me Colleen, We are all in this thing together"

    Are we? I'm not so sure if we're really on the same team here.

    Best of luck to you walking the fence j. ;)

    Really? You think that our economy is stabilized. Wow, where are you so we can all move there! Yeah, President Obama is taking a lot of heat and yeah, I am Republican but I am not crazy, the president inherited a mess and he is not all to blame however, he has not fixed anything at all; if anything, he has made things much much worse. Putting up further in debt by bailing out industry is not the answer. Stimulus packages have not created jobs at all. You see what oil companies are getting away with, look up at the price per gallon and then check out the profits. Hmm, I thought the oil companies were my parties big thing, looks like they are not just for the Republicans anymore! At least they don't need a bail out. The problems are not with the executive branch of our government,, the problems are within the legislative branch and all the political fat cats that we have elected to represent us. The budget is an easy fix, if we don't have the money, we don't buy it. Isn't that the way we all do our own personal finances? Credit? What credit? We are all now being denied more credit because for the last couple of decades it was thrown at us and only then because we as selfish Americans demanded that we not have to wait until we could afford stuff, we want our goodies now! Our politicians have no clue what representation is, none of them know. All they want to do is make a name for themselves and honestly, who does not want to leave some kind of legacy. Our country is on a shambles and the world now sits and waits as they watch a once great nation fall to it's knees and drag the rest of the world with us. I'm not preaching gloom and doom but we all have to wake up and place the mess where it really belongs, on each and everyone one of us, not President Obama (although he is certainly no help) We put these people in Washington and only we can fix this. We know what we have to do but I doubt we will do it.....we like our collective heads buried in the sand and that is the way it will most likely remain. Sad huh/? Oh, just curious, did you vote in the last election? Do you know ANYONE that voted? Still want to know why everything is a mess? 


    So what is your idea for what we do to fix this? Elect new politicians? We can't just hold elections tomorrow. Yes, I voted. I voted them in, I'll vote them out. When Clinton entered office, he faced a deficit too. When he left office, we had a surplus of credit because he had paid down the debt. What has happened under Obama's presidency? He over spent. We are in wars we should not be in. He continued Bush's legacy and this is where we are today because of that. Had McCain gone in, we would be in more wars than we are right now. Voting does not always change things. Sometimes voting makes things worse because too many voters are lazy, do not research their pick and do not vote for the right person, they vote for the popular person.

    It's poor government no matter who is to blame. We Americans are at a "catch 22" when it comes to having good government. I blame all parties that hold office in the past and present administration. We need a true American Patriot in every elected government office from Federal, State, and City. Seems corruption runs fluently through these offices of election.

    I find it funny that Wesley Snipes goes to prison for tax evasion, and Charlie Rangle does the same, but gets a slap on the hand and re-elected to New York State Senate. Go figure. Politicians need to be held accountable for all their actions while in office. They do work for us (Americans), and they need to be reminded of that, obviously.

    obama is a Marxist and is taking the country down the same rode as all the other Marxist leaders capitalism is what made this country. Having a flaming racist for president does not bring the nation together. He uses racism to divide the nation to advance his radical Marxist theory's. Black liberation theology is equal to the BLACK KKK. I don't think having a black klan member as president is not good for America. That why obama should get blamed for this mess.

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