    We are going to get a gun for protection. Please give advice. I'll be watching this page as my husband is on the way to the gun store.

    +9  Views: 1856 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    sorry itsmee,you must need,a gun for a good reason,hope things are all right,


    People with limited finances and no homes are moving this way in our mean and dangerous town. They settle in the parks. This is like the wild frontier. And oh so different from other places we've lived.

    yes, good reason.

    to itsmee----if you think it's bad there, you should see the Detroit area.

    having a gun can be a deterent to criminals....IF YOU ARE PREPARED TO SHOOT FIRST!

    Shooting someone even in self defence can have a terrible impact on your lives.Also there is the danger of being disarmed by the intruder & having the weapon turned on you.

    I think when you consider all of the dangers to kids & yourselves that a gun can bring into you home there are better security alternatives.You & hubby should talk to the local police before you make this move.

    I guess you can tell that I am anti-gun.I have seen enough of guns & the damage they can cause in my lifetime to make me this way.


    Thank you, Tommyh. We will most certainly talk to the police. Will we need to go to their office or will they come to our home? Of course you can't answer ... just make a guess.

    Just drop in to the local cop shop.They will appreciate the visit & the fact that you are seeking advice.

    very good answer! tu to you!

    Go to the doughnut shop if you want to talk to the police :-)

    Just owning a gun is a deterent to criminals, think of how much home invasions would increase if guns were illegal, all the criminals would still get guns and most of the law abiding citizens would turn them in. It woulld be a free for all, think like a criminal, what holds u back from robbing a house? the possibility that the owner has a gun. and the cops wont do shit except be there afterwards to clean up the mess.
    just learn gun safety,
    1} always keep the safety on, except when ready to fire.
    2.} Always act as if the gun is loaded
    3.}keep the barrel pointed to the ground

    In most cases a gun is not needed, but get one with a lazier and practice at a training site to learn how and where to shoot,


    Yes, we'll go to the range. I think a gun will really hurt my shoulder so I may just watch.

    i would keep that thing up where no kids can get it. i hope you and him are even tempered. please be careful with it. i hate guns. my hubby was shot in the stomach way back when. almost didnt make it.


    I hate them too. However, with the economy the way it is you never know who is at your door. I'm sorry about your husband. That must have been terrible.
    This is just difficult for me to discuss. I don't want it. : (

    "itsmee"That does'nt mean you are going to start answering your door with a gun in your hand does it?

    LOL ... I don't think you'll see my answer but if anyone knocked at my door I would answer with my gun in hand. We have gates all around our house. Only a criminal could get in. Honest.

    LOL ... I don't think you'll see my answer but if anyone knocked at my door I would answer with my gun in hand. We have gates all around our house. Only a criminal could get in. Honest.

    Why not get a Tazer? Less likely to get sued for using that over killing someone, either on purpose or accidently.


    I will mention this to him. However, at this point in "sunny" California, I think we both mean real business if someone breaks in. I sleep with wasp spray on my night-side stand -- a tazer might be the thing for me because I can't even LOOK at a gun.

    Tazers are illegal in most states, unless you're a cop. Isn't that ironic...? ......that you can own a hand gun, but not a tazer ?

    Maybe you can get a tranquilizer gun . I've been wondering for a long time why the cops don't use that on violent suspects instead of a gun, or a tazer. It works well on ferocious animals.
    I'd like to have one for home protection

    Tranq guns take too long to work. You could get harmed before the drug took affect. If the Tazer is illegal, probably the wasp spray and maybe a baseball bat is best, or the shotgun as Leeroy suggested.

    Buy a 357 revolver  they are simple like the old army saying keep it simple  I believe they make a 45 revolver  and if you have kids buy a a gun lock box to avoid accidents just what I have read about  from books over the years hope this helps


    You're welcome
    Hi itsmee, If you feel you need to get a gun you should take a course on safety and use. Also you should have went along. My wife didn't like shooting my 45's, At first I didn't understand but then after going to a gun show I figured out she needed one to fit her hand. I got her a 9mm Makarov and shes loves it. If your going to learn to shoot also make sure its comfortable for you......[Please get the proper training there are plenty of courses out there]

    Thank you, JDB. Good advice. I hear you.

    If being fearful of where you live is driving you to get a might be better off investing that money in moving to a better neighborhood, or community.

     Having time to respond to a situation is important, so having a door that someone can't just kick or pry open is important. Having a small dog is also a good early warning system, if someone is messing with a window.

    I am not against guns, but they can create a whole new level of danger  in the hands of someone who doesn't know how to safely deal with a situation. But, I can sympathize with someone confronting someone who has just broke into their house with them in it.  For to me, the act itself shows they have no regard for the occupants, and are likely not to show any as time goes on.

    But, on the other hand, one night we had a guy try to push his way through the front door. Luckily for him, he thought he was talking to his friends through the door, and it was through this we could tell that he was drinking. It turned out, that he was drunk out of his head and thought his friends up the street were playing a game on him and locking him out of the house. Instead of shooting him, or beating the crap out of him and throwing him over the porch railing...I just held the door shut and had the wife call the cops. He was one very lucky idiot, because he was really starting to piss me off. My daughter was just a little girl back then and it scared her for quite some time.



    Like most people who live in crime type neighborhoods, they cannot afford to move across the tracks to a better part of town. That's why they bought in there in the first place, b/c the housing prices were what they could afford.

    She's probably still scared somewhere in her consciousness. PTSD lasts a long time. In fact, I think it never goes away.

    A shotgun might be safer? Bullets can go through walls and hit things or people you aren't meaning to shoot, while shot guns are better for close range and the ammo won't go all the way through walls and hurt someone or something that you want to keep safe.


    Yeah, Remember how Sure-Shot Chaney shot his friend in the face ? It didn't kill him.

    That was pretty crazy huh. :)

    I think it would be better to get a large dog then a gun for house plus there more fun.

    Guns and kids makes  a dangerous combination. Many of those school shooters said they got the gun or rifle trom their grandpa's gun cabinet. They knew where he kept the key. Some kids who  '' accidently '' shot their friend, said they knew their mom or dad kept it under their pillow, so they went adn got it when nobody was home.  Better you have a baseball bat, or a knife, or wasp spray, or MACE for protection. A long time ago, I read about a woman how shot thru her bedroom door, thinking it was an intruder, and she shot her son to death.


    We have three little grandchildren. Three girls. They will never even go into the room. Good advice mcm. We need more. I do have wasp spray. I've heard that's good stuff.



    The answers are incredible! Where could you get this advice? From Uncle Henry? Thanks.

    Thank you whovin. I am considering every single response. (But will he?) 


    why not a tazer,like kidder said,have training with it first if possible,

    I have a 357 for personal protection in the home. A 12 gg shot gun for protection of the home and a 9mm for travel. If there is someone in the area (yrad or in the house) just the sound of ingaging the shot gun will make thier blood run cold. It is not very acurite. If there was someone in my room I go for the 357.  The nine is just intemidating.. Ppl see it and they know what it is.  personally am a better shot with the 357.

    The first line of defence for years was the BEST!!! A german shepard.  He kept my house from being robbed or broken into twice. We are in the country. And my hubby was working nights.


    a MAGNUM 357 ?
    country bumpkin

    Yep, Good ole German Shepards. Mine is a mix but he is still a fantastic watch dog.

    Your not weak ,are you.

    YEs a magnum... 9mm ruger...

    Um not weak how????

    When you have a drug user break into your house and threaten you,  for money. what the hell are you suppose to do. Two words .. CENTER MASS.   You shoot until that person stops moving. Then call for 911. Apply life saving techniques with your foot on that persons chest until help arrives to scrape off the floor. You need to protect yourself , it is the right thing to do and absolutely legal. Dont be weak about protection, thats what the thieves want you to do. I have a 10 gauge shotgun at my door ready to protect my family. They first have to get by the rooster that is very protective of his yard.


    What does '' center mass'' mean ? Is that military talk ?
    You so mean you would shoot to kill? I would shoot to stop wound him

    you mean give him life saving techniques '' with your foot on his chest '' to massage his heart with your foot ....? CPR ?



    Yep, I'll remember.

    the best hand gun for home protection is a revolver it's the simplest as well the most relieablest. it' s small size makes it the easiest  to store as well as access. it's also the cheapest to buy as well as maintain. best to keep the first two rounds blanks as in most cases that's all you need, is just the mere sight and sound, most victtims are shot at an average of 7 feet , so not much skill is needed. . any weapon is obviously nothing to be taken lightly, a good safe is always a great investment and one last thing always assume a gun is loaded weather it is or not, a gun can be good to have but better not to use.


    i hope while you are getting in you safe to get your gun your intruder will wait till you get it out. you know. give you a fair chance.

    The price of the gun is an issue for us. With all the things we need, I HATE to buy a firearm. However, that seems to be the way we go.

    she said a gun,not an alarm clock?????


    A 45 is a gun

    dirty den, I don't know what you mean by saying "alarm clock"

    dirty, an alarm clock wakes you up every morning. a gun puts you to sleep forever

    Thank you, carmaxable. : )

    What's that supposed to mean ?

    My favorite gun is a police type pump shotgun 12 gauge. With the shortest legal barrel. Shot guns can really throw out a lot of lead. Its very easy to shoot and in close quarters my choice over an AR-15. Each shell has 20 or more pellets of lead that will not endanger your neighbors 3 doors down the street like a .357 Mag will. 45 simi-auto pistole throw one big chunk of lead with each shot and requires practice to hit anything. A shotgun, throws a lot more lead in a spreading pattern so your need for accuracy is point and shoot in the general direction. Its my gun of choice while fishing Alaska streams  for grizzly bears protection using slugs. I prefer the 10 gauge in Alaska. 


    I won't be shootin' bears unless they enter our domicile. : ). Down the road a bit at Yosemite, bears do that. I've heard they learn to scramble eggs.

    itsmee…Their skills at automotive upholstery removal is awesome too.

    I know a 45 is a gun. I am wondering what type?


    GLOCK 30 .45 AUTO

    GLOCK 30

    Accuracy - power - speed

    The GLOCK 30 in the legendary .45 caliber
    offers excellent out-of-the- box precision
    paired with the ballistic quality of a genuine
    big-bore caliber. The smooth design and the simple
    operation of the GLOCK pistol allow quick drawing
    of the pistol. Because of these advantages and especially because of its compact dimensions, the GLOCK 30 is the
    first choice of plainclothes officers and protection personnel.

    a Colt 45

    The Glock does sound "good" We still haven't done anything. He has to study a little booklet and take a test. I don't think I could pass a test. I don't even want to go to the store. My agoraphobia is bad enough in the supermarket. In the firearm store, I'd .... panic?

    We'll kind of wait for answers and hope that there is an expert on board. We know nothing.

    I don't believe you need a gun to protect yourself ,simple reason to kill a person just for the sake of stealing possession or break in,would be a fatal mistake in my calculation,I would rather risk my own life to protect my family,and let the police handle the matter.


    by the time the police get there, the burgler may have already raped and killed them . And how can you call the police, if you don't want the intruder to know where you are , and you don't want him to know you're on the phone with the police. Then, he'll tear the phone out of the wall, or break your cell, then murder you

    Yes, MCM. I agree. In my dangerous town the police are VERY busy and it takes them a long time to respond. Also, with the cutbacks we have fewer police. : (

    a .45


    a .45 what? What type? Glock?

    Oh, I just found out -- He's going to the range to get a booklet that he will read before getting the gun. I just want answers from REAL people.

    Colt .45

    Sounds like he'll get what he's comfortable with. Tell him you want a pink lady, that'll stop the bear.


    Is a pink lady for read? I read that Nancy Reagan had "a cute little pearl handled gun" Cute???

    Regarding your husband and family ----There are a lot of murders that wouldn't have occured, if the gun wasn't there.


    We've looked at all sides. I think akaqa is the best place for answers! a cross section.

    You all can keep your baseball bat, mace.  The people getting killed are the intruders. So what. You people have to understand you need to protect yourself and property. A dog does help alot. I worked at a prison. These people that broke into houses with home owners home,had only one goal, money. They didnt care about you living or not. Most of them are in for murder. With only a 25-30 year sentence. CENTER MASS  is the chest area. If it kills them , thats too damn bad for them. I would provide life saving techniques such as chest thrusts with my foot and call 911. Only after i hand cuff them.  Dont get weak  about this people , thats what the criminals want.  I absolutely know what i am talking about .


    I believe you do know ~ CENTER MASS.

    I just baught a ps storm, 9mm, I keep that in my truck, I have a 357 magnum in my room, A shot gun else where, a 308 pump (sounds like a shot gun when cocked) in another room, and I reload in my shop cause i dont trust our new government. The constution gives us the right to bear arms to prtect us from our government and also great for bad people. If we have a revolution we need enough ammo to supply our neighbors along with ourselves. good luck.


    We need a revolution. They're taking away our jobs, our money, our freedom of religion. ....our freedom of speech

    Most cons have a poor ( egamacation ) ops sorry i only went to 6. But you see i think the police protect them from use, thy go back again and again to the big house free food, free clothes, free tv and owa free meda care and we pay for it all.


    Well they have to pay for medical now, three dollars a visit.Phone calls are expensive

    I can understand that all those free goodies could be a call to criminals to go to the "BIg House" I know there's a downside. Is it danger from other inmates? attacks? brutality from some source? I hope to find my way back here.
    You only went to 6?
    We pay for it all ... robbed twice. Bad news.

    Best home protection firearm is a 12 gauge shotgun loaded with buckshot, probably with an 18 inch barrel. It doesn't take up much space and requires little practice.  Just point and shoot.  Hard to miss and the noise and flash alone will scare the hell out of an intruder. Most intruders know the sound of the pump shotgun being loaded with a shell into the chamber, and this alone is enough to scare them away.  Good hunting.


    sawed off? Is that the way?

    I never did get the gun. I'm reading this seven months after the initial question. I'm not putting this comment here to get Karma points. I just wanted you all to know. The answers are great. My husband will now take his turn at reading. 

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