    will the seniors now get their whole monthley checks?

    +4  Views: 407 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    No one knows, everything is up in the air.

    No politician is that stupid, or are they? The elderly are the biggest group of active voters, if they mess with them they will be voted out quicker than you can say senior citizen. Pam's right that nothing is for certain, but I believe that most politicians know that if this happens that will be the end of their political career's. I believe that they will cut the defense budget before cutting social security. Good question, you got my vote.


    Now, it's all about these politicians saving their a$$e$ or taking a fall.

    They would be committing political suicide if they touched social security and they know it. It's not about what has to be done, it's about keeping their jobs of privilege. Very few politicians will do what's right no matter what the cost, and you are right no one knows exactly what will happen.

    Most likely if they change SS, it will not effect anyone that is currently on SS, but those who will be on it in the future.

    What you think? "The Games of the Republicans" vs "The Clash of the Democrats."

    Yeah, it's sad when they put rhetoric and politics before the benefit of the people of our nation. I think they're to busy with political strategy, not wanting to make the other party look good. So what winds up happening is usually nothing.

    I sure hope that they can come to a compromise and do what's best for the people, but I'm not putting any money on it. Lol.

    I agree, Country First!

    There are certain TV stations that have commentaries as opposed to news.

    Some of these stations try to sensationalize ever thing they say and enjoy getting viewers in a panic.

    Don't worry about your Social Security, it will be deposited on time. 

    Nol politician (gee ..I wish we had a Statesman/woman or 2) would risk their political career by

    cuttin off Social Security.



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