    my ex has always had me pay her cash for our two boys now she has filed support and arrerage for 12 years and was granted it 15,000 dollars how can i prove i always paid

    +2  Views: 501 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    you are up the creek witout the paddle. It is your word against hers. But you can say how come she did not file for childsupport 12 years ago, if she now claims she did not get it. Why would anyone wait that long?

    Brother you are SOL

    Sorry to hear your in this position...thats why getting everything done legally is always the best way to deal with support payments. Unfortunately no luck.

    My brother had the same thing happen to him. Not only did he have to pay for years of child support. He was held in contempt of court and almost sent to prision. (his dad payed the back child support to keep him out of jail). FYI Weman are dangerous!

    Maybe if you have a eye witness you can get an attorney to help prove your case,  if you can look up your bank statements and prove what day the withdrawal's were and the amounts that could help your case. If you tell a friend every time you made a payment and they didn't witness it that's just here say and not  admissible in a court of law.

    You can talk to an lawyer for a free consultation over the phone or look up legal advice online, sorry to hear about your situation, that's such a low thing to do. I'm sure that this situation will effect who you trust in the future. That's really a shame... Hope this helps.

    Too soon old, too late smart! 

    Would you pay your electric bill, car payment or anything else by cash without getting a written receipt?

    Any reason you and the ex were determined to pay by cash?

    Child support like any other financial obligation is part of your personal business life.



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