    My boyfriend said he got to go use the bath room then saw him out the window what should i do

    +3  Views: 1038 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago

    close the window and leave his behind out there! You probably deserve better anyway!

    19 Answers

    Accept the fact he apparently no longer wants to be with you (just a guess since he sneaked out on you) and doesn't have the ballz to tell you or accept the fact he's a sneaky liar and stay with him or act like a desperate girl and chase after him. That's all I can think of for now.

    Hold on.  May be he prefers to pee in the bush instead?


    A presumption of innocence until proven guilty. 

    Just trying to help the guy out.  He's 98% doomed.

    Don't look !!

    did you scare him? 

    Doing a runner like that,makes me think he had something better to do.Probably to hook up with his mates.If i was you i would start running too.......Away from him.

    keep fishing aperently he's not a keeper!

    Lock all the doors and windows.


    then hide the key!:)

    I was thinking change the locks and throw away the keys to the old locks. lol!

    good thinking Pamela :)

    That was my thought too,

    Yes ladies, he climbs out the window. All privilege's cut off. lol!!!

    he peed out the window?? I don't get the question..  He left through the bathroom window?  In either case, I'd find another boyfriend..

    your question is ok but I think you need to be give us some more info on this there could be a few explantions for why he was doing this dose he day dream! or are two not getting on? if you think you are not getting on I think you should push for the answer and let him explain. good luck


    The answer is: the bathroom has a window. :)

    thanks Chiangmai ha ha

    watch some t.v.


    and dont let him pee on it,

    I didn't get the question either.  But I'm there with everyone else, I think it's time to look around.  Did he ever come back??

    Find someone else don't let him pee in your toilet again.

    was he peeing in the street,?????if so call the police and he will be arrested,

    Build him an outhouse.

    Did you check the bathroom?  Could've (1) FULL (2) OUT OF ORDER (3) A LOOK ALIKE. (4) A REAL NATURE GUY LIKE TARZAN..

    Maybe you was with the wrong twin to start with,now you're in trouble.

    Hope you live on the forth floor.


    lol lolololo ooolol

    Was there somthing hanging in your bathroom he did not like ?


    like who? or what?

    lock the window so he can't get back in...then move on to someone else.

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