    What Makes You Smile When You Think About Life?

    Thanks, Mel. XOXOXO!

    +15  Views: 1262 Answers: 26 Posted: 13 years ago

    what a good Question Pamela :)

    Thanks, Mel. XOXOXO!

    Good question my friend.

    Thanks my friend. How are you doing?

    26 Answers

    What makes me smile is the little things that happen for me every day.

    My animals who give me so much joy. The children next door having fun in the lake . The Chipmunks chasing each other .My family. I normally would include birds, but they all disappeared and have not returned. Ducks sitting on my dock and Loons with theire eerie sounds.


    Animals are important too. They bring joy and comfort as well, what a smile on our face that brings. :-)

    Ann where you live sounds unreal I think if i ever got to where you live I think I would have died and gone to heaven yes Animals are so important in your life and mind and I am sorry your birds have not returned lets hope they will return next year!

    knowing that tomorrow is a new day!


    Hey!tomorrow never comes......

    My little girl


    Our children are precious. I am smiling now, for the joy they bring. :-)

    Peoples Humor, behavior,  antics.

    'Every morning when i wake up, i look around the room, if I don't see any flowers i smile and get out of bed.'


    -Red Skelton



    When I meet people, I've found that a smile is infective so I smile at people that I pass on the sidewalk or the person at the grocery store etc.



    Yes that does make my day also Leeroy :)

    Yeah, I really like that a smile goes a long way!

    How good it is to be alive. To be here to see your grandchildren and great grand. To see my grandchildren go to college and get a good education. The wild and foolish things I did when I was young and didn't get hurt or killed.


    It just seem like yesterday, our little ones were babies, now they grown and become adults by a wink of eye...priceless. :-)

    Very true statement my friend, time just flew by so fast. My kids grew up really fast and my youngest grand is almost ready to get out of high school.

    Beautiful! Our youngest son will be a freshman in college this fall.

    That's wonderful, I'm so glad for all of you.

    that was so nice Spaceghost yes i do agree when we are young we do silly things and I think we have to say the heck we have learnt by our mistakes :)

    "How do you know it's love? I don't know, but it lasts forever." Van Halen

     I love life and every day I choose happiness for me. Heaven is here and we call this place by names that let us think that this is just some small dot in space that is far, far away from Heaven which is where we really are.

    "The more I think about it, the more I realize there is nothing more artistic than to love others". Vincent van Gogh   

    What brings a smile to my face every time, is seeing a little kid around two feet tall, singing and having a good time in the simplest situation like going to the store with their mom.


    I agree, Shoo. When our children is happy, that put a great big smile on our faces.

    That every stage for my children is not about them growing away from me or growing up but a new adventure for us to share.


    The love that keeps a family together, nothing can ever replace that bond. :-)

    that is lovely :)

    Wake up in the morning and be able to walk out of bed. The rest of the day is just a bonus.


    walk out of bed? I am just glad to crawl out of one!

    You must be a young guy.

    dog, your bed is big enough to WALK out of! what a luxury! LOL!

    Wow I have really enjoyed everyones answers what nice guys you all are (I did know that but it is nice to say it once in a while)

    well what makes my day is when I wake up and thank god for everything what happened yesterday then going for a walk rain/shine seeing my Hubby making coffee in the morning for me and having 5 mins just looking at him and thinking about my Son who is so far away and thinking of his girlfriend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and saying a preyer for her then I can get on with the rest of the world and of course comming on to this site belive it or not keeps me sane


    Oh Mel, That is alot to worry about.My daughter had breast cancer almost two years ago. She is doing very well so far.I hope and pray that your sons girlfriend will recover.

    I'm hoping all is well with your son's girlfriend.
    We have her in our prayers for a speedy and wholesome recovery. God bless you and your family. :-)

    Oh thank you Ann I do hope she is on the road to recovery she has had the breast off and had the chemo and is starting her radiotherapy this week she was at stage 3 which as you know was not looking good she is holding up as we speak and my Son has been a rock for her which I am very proud though I wouldnt exspect any thing less and he and are soul mates they are like peas and carrots and thank you Ann for you concern lol

    to Pamela Thank you so much for saying preyers for my family I tend not to mention it as I was so upset at Chistmas and I still get upset now but I thank you once again from the bottom of my heart(if it take much more) lol :)

    At the end of the day, I think my life is perfect in an imperfect way.

    " A man calls to another man on the bank of a river

    "How do I get to the other side?"                                 

    "you are on the other side"


    That's a good one!

    yes very good lol

    What makes me smile when I think about life?  First is being alive, then I thank God for all of the beauty and riches in my life, then sharing it with everyone around me.  I am the richest person in the world, and I don't even have a savings account.  I live from paycheck to paycheck and I count all of my blessings everyday.  That's what makes me smile.


    I agree, Black. It's the small things in my life that happen that makes me smile. Such as, my husband greeting when he comes homes, my children says mom, I love you, a stranger say hi, good morning, the list goes on and on.

    Ah that was lovely Pamela and Black3 both your comments have just put tears in my eyes why cant the rest of the world be nice like the people on this SITE god bless you all

    Thanks Pamela and melandrupert, those are the things that make life worth living. All the money in the world couldn't buy them. Maybe that is what makes them so special.

    So true, Mel. Like you, I have really enjoy all of these beautiful comments. This is what makes coming to this site is all about, the joy, laughter, and love we bring to one another. A SMILE worth looking forward to. <3 XoXoXo!!!

    Thanks Pamela and Black3 as you both said money cannot buy what we all have and coming on to this site really makes my day with all the laughter ans even the sad things that come up and we are all trying to help hooray to life and lots of LOL
    You will all say "Not his bloody dog again" but truly she is the highlight of the morning, noon and night. She gives me more laughs than a waggon load of monkeys.

    I smile when I hear the birds singing, I smile when I think of my wonderful children,grand children and great grand children.
    I smile at strangers in the park or on the beach and being a Aussie say "G`day"

    I hear and see how miserable some poor buggers are and I smile for what I am. Alive, loved and free.

    Any day this side of the grass is a reason to smile.

    And why not I love Animals and if he gets you out of bed in the morning thats what it is all about good on ya LOL

    There a time for everything a time to cry, a time to rejoice, a time live, and a time to die,a time to be young, and a time to be old like me,so if that make you smile so let it be ,Wow I think I'm getting poetic.


    Oh forgot why I can't smile I have no more teeth to smile with.

    Smile with a closed mouth. lol!

    Ok PAM Hope I wont scare them away? LOL
    BTW How did you get so wise Pam? you are making me jealous.[hug]xo.

    You won't scare them smiling with your mouth closed. Life experience's is teaching me, and I'm still learning something new everyday. You are wise, too, in your own unique way, no need to be jealous. xoxoxo!

    whats making me smile today is my son will be coming home aug. 12. and all of my other loved ones as well. lots of people on this site make me smile too.


    August 12th is approaching soon. My sister's birthday and Ghost 39th Wedding Anniversary. Look's like a great day to see and greet your son and loved ones. I wish you and your family, a happy, joyous, and fun reunion. :-)

    thank you iam happy birthday and anniversary! congratulations all around!!!! love you all.

    We love you, back!!!

    "You know when you listen to music playing from another room? And you're singing along because it's a tune that you really love? When a door closes or a train passes by so you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway...then, no matter how much time passes, when you hear the music again, you're still in the exact same time with it. That's what love is like." Anonymous


    The sweet sound of music...medicine to the soul. :-)

    There is a hymn which says, "morning by morning new mercies I see.  All I have needed thy hand hath provided.  Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me."  I smile when I think of God's mercy.


    The joys of the worth a smile. :-)

    My grandkids,like the other day when i gave my granddaughter (13 years old)50 bucks to go to a concert(even thou i'am out work right now)and too see how excited she was and her telling me what a great time she had ,and the hugs &kisses i get puts a smile on my face every time(what great kids they are).they are about the only thing that puts a smile on my face lately...


    Thanks God you were able to put a smile on your granddaughter face in return a smile was put on face. Keep the faith things will change for the better. :-)

    I have to say im a cat guy. Enjoy the five kittens playing around me , and enjoy watching them crawl all over the dog. Enjoy the wildlife in backyard.  Hummingbirds, deer, canadian geese migrating, the mountain lion will be killed next time though.


    watch out mountain lion...meow, meow, meow. lol!

    1: Remembering 43 years ago on this day I became a father. 

    2: Knowing that she will forgive me for forgetting to mail a B-Day card (thank God for e-cards).

    3: Thankful to my other daughter for reminding me an hour ago.


    Happy Birthday to your daughter!

    I can't believe I made it this far. Only the good die young, see it pays to be a pr**k.


    I thank God you did. :-)
    ed shank

    Thank you Pam. Nicest thing said to me all week.

    You're Welcome, Ed!

    When I think of my childhood memories, it makes me to laugh.

    Its because the moment I had in childhood, I will never have such an interesting moment again.

    I missed my childhood memories a lot because I am now stressed out.

     So, when I had any problem or tension, to avoid it, I laugh thinking about the childhood memories.



    Like you, I had a great childhood too. :-)

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