    Did it make you laugh when Rurpert Murdock got hit with a pie? Should he take personal responsibility or the scandal?

    +3  Views: 949 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    I feel no empathy for him. He's been too powerful for too long and has been the leader in picking and choosing what the American people would be allowed to know. He's been far too involved in helping corrupt leaders continue being corrupt by hiding the truths and the facts from the people.


    Read the question again.

    Why? At the time I was coming from the view point if others who were feeling bad for him. That's what I was thinking of when I answered this. Why didn't you answer the question instead of telling me to read it again?

    I missed the Pie throwing icident. I believe this is nothing but a conspiracy to discredit him personally.

    I know Fox mentioned that the Liberals want to shut down Fox News, because they claim it is  the channel for Repuplicans only.This is nothing but a Media Circus, Too bad some people lost theire jobs.

    He deserves everything he gets now he is been in the Power Game far too long and as for the Pie throwing well done to guy who did it and yes I did laugh good on that Guy if he was on this site he would get a TU so I am giving it to you instead Producer

    it makes me laugh when any one gets hit by a pie.

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