    my legal rights while going through a divorce

    My husband has been my soul provider for 12 years. We have 3 children together plus his 2 from previous marriage. All of the boys are under the age 16. My job is being a homemaker. I do not have any income of my own. We have been having serious problems for years. He physically abused me 4 years ago to the point I had to be medivac of the Island to a hospital. I am afraid of him. I did not come home Sunday night and he automatically accused me of having affair and kicked me out of my home with nothing but the clothes on my back. He is turning my children against me. He is telling them that I abandoned them. The police has advise me to go back home but I don't want my children exposed to the emotional violence. He has taken my car, my cash, keys to my home, my phone, everything. I want my children but I have no where to go or a job. He's owns several guns, he has threaten my life. I'm scared and I do not know what to do. Can anyone please give me some advice on how to go about leaving with my children. I don't want to take their father out of their lives completely but it is not a safe, stable situation at this time. He's very unpredictable. Please advise.

    0  Views: 2118 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Find the woman's abuse shelter in your area. They will have everything you need to get through this. Counseling, legal support, food, clothing and a place to sleep if you need it. They will also provide you with a cellphone used only for cases of emergency. It dials their number or 911. If you need help finding the one in your area, reply back here and give me your town and state. I'll see what I can find for you.



    Colleton County Citizens Opposed to Domestic Abuse.

    I already called and spoke to an advocate. They are awaiting your call. They CAN help.
    They have a legal team, counselors on staff and resources for anything else you may need.




    Good luck and I hope you get the help you need to get your children back!


    Collenton County, South Carolina

    Go to a women's shelter, and they will advise you from there.

    Okay in our state there is a service called LSA Legal Services of Alabama do not know where you live but he is very dangerous. Do not take this lightly. I realize that you cannot afford an attorney,but perhaps there is something like LSA where you are located or lawyers that do pro bono work. Please check with a really good women's shelter and see also if there is some type of legal services for free as I mentioned above. God bless and I hope and pray you get away from him and also when and if you do get to talk to an attorney I would mention that you have always been a Mom and homemaker I think there are programs and that he should have to pay alimony, child support and perhaps school for training for you to obtain skills for a job for you and your children's future. There are programs out there believe me do not go back into that type situation because you feel that you can do nothing else. You can and there is hope. God bless and keep watch over you and your children.



    She lives in SC and I found her a woman's shelter that provides all the services she'll need. Hopefully she's there already. They were expecting her call 7 hours ago.

    I was kind of in that position except I did have my kids. I was terrified of him and the death threats kept coming. Get to the women's shelter...I had to go and they were the ones that took us in and guided me the way I needed to go as well as providing us a place to stay.The kids are very impressionable but they may be afraid of their father like you are.A lawyer will be able to grant you the access to the boys ...this is going to work out.There is always a light at the end of every tunnel.I kept a journal everyday for years and it was something that the lawyer could have used in court...just make sure you date each day you write and keep all the details. Keep telling the kids that you love them, this is a terrifying experience for them as well. The best advice I can give you for support for the kids is not to ask them questions about their dad as they will eventually talk to you on their own merit and please don't try to make them pick sides.That's a lot of pressure to have put on them.He's already doing that to them.Don't give up! Get all your medical records of when you were taken off of the Island to the hospital as evidence for the lawyer to have the kids removed from this violent angry man. You are in my prayers.

    OMG. I feel sorry for you. Knock and the door will be opened. Cheer up!

    Out of fear the kids probably stay loyal.. that is usually the first reason for loyalty to a tyrant.. they will come around, and a woman's shelter sounds like the best idea.. good luck to you. much love ~

    Record everything he says to you and your kids. Collect the evidences that can prove he is not reliable to take the custody of your kids. Find a lawyer. File a divorce.

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