    are flesh flies dangerous to have in the house

    i have just recently ( the past 2 days) have had to kill at least 6 flies that look like 2-3 times bigger than the normal fly plus these nasty red beety eyes, i have later found out by looking them up they are called flesh flies. it says they die within 5-7 days but i have a 6 month old and if these things are eating flesh and flying around my house is this harmful to us?

    +1  Views: 2455 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: insects

    3 Answers

    I don't know about dangerous but they are disgusting - you don't want them in your house.

    Flesh-flies can carry leprosy bacilli and can transmit intestinal pseudomyiasis to people who eat the flesh-fly larvae. Flesh-flies, particularly Wohlfahrtia magnifica, can also cause myiasis in animals, mostly to sheep, and can give them blood poisoning, or asymptomatic leprosy infections.

    Gross Huh?


    that is sooo gross!! so we just got a grill and we have been cooking outside and then the trash goes in the garage, is this where they could be coming from??

    I'm sure the trash is attracting them. Get a cover for the can. Get a bug zapper too.
    country bumpkin

    Yes, that's discusting!

    I hope they won't get together and have your  your child for lunch. Don't leave the doors and windows open, if you do put fly-screens on them.

    country bumpkin

    Oh, I'm sure you made her feel so much more at ease. You're funny eggy.

    They really like decaying flesh.  But just think...they eat and walk on dead flesh, rotten food, etc., then they come in your house and land on your food, or your baby and spread germs from their feet.  Get the fly swatter out.  Ugh

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