    I like to know how many people like the stupid show America got talent this year there only picked dummmm

    dummm performances some are ok HOWIE is the goofiest person i ever seen in my life men in diapers got put through and some kids with talent were rejected even so they made it to Vegas
    sharon is not any better pierce is the only one with smarts by picking real talent sharon told one kid cut that silly hair and he was very very good on the piano and singing maybe he was not silly!!!! and goofy!!! enough for Sharon and Howie let me know what you think of the show i think this show is only about ratings not for talent

    0  Views: 502 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Me and my kids love it... It is OUR time... You are right they did let a lot of good acts go and kept some really stupid acts. I dont think any o fthe judges are very good at spotting talent. But Howie is kinds funny some times, Sharron is helpfull sometimes , and Peirce calls it like he see it most of the time.. If they were one person They might have half a brain combined.

    We love AGT! Don’t miss a show, haven’t in years! Was real happy with the results this year. And yes, we do vote………..

    Why do you watch it?

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