    I have been to 5 doctors and still suffering horrible pain and it is getting worse. Severe pain in my foot and can barely walk, now hurting in my leg also, sharp pain and burning feeling. sometimes swells, i am desperate it is so bad can not stand it have had three different diagnosis

    i have been to five different doctors and all different diagnosis and still suffering and it is getting worse!  My foot hurts so extrememly bad i can barekly walk on it, sharp apin and also some swelling sometimes burnign pain. Went to foot doctors and one said heel spur and also tendons in foot torn, others said other resaons some said heel spur will not make this terrible of pain, i can barely put weight and am having to use a cane, i also have extremme vertigo and have also been tested for that fell and broke my srist and back because of it. no one seems to be able to help me, please help, I can not go on suffering like this for mcuh longer. This pain in my foot andf extreme vertigo is horrible. If i just barely move my head it feels like the room is spinning. Doctor said this is migrainous something and othing they can do for it. have had for over 7 months now!  Now pain in feet is so bad it is worse pain ever experieinced! Please please if you are doctor help.

    +2  Views: 1077 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    You may need to contact a foot specialist.  I don't know what state you are from. Maybe the information below may help.  Good Luck!

    Dr. Ravaei is a highly qualified foot and ankle specialist, and is certified by American Board of Podiatric Orthopedics, one of the two boards certified by the American Podiatric Medical Association. He is currently licensed in four different states. Call (866) 866-3338, 24hrs/7 days a week or email the Doctor.


    Hi Pamela gla dyou could answer this as I cerntainly couldnt living in the UK well done LOL

    Thanks, Mel!

    We do not have any medical doctors volunteering on this site. If you need attention for you foot, you need to go back to one of the doctors or even get another opinion, we cannot help you on this forum. Good luck.

    Ask your doctor if you could possible have a "Schwahnoma"? I know it sounds like bullshit but there really is such a thing. It sounds like it could be.

    I may feel a little like you do today. Keep this in mind, I'm sorry for the two of us.

    A friend of mine had whats called microcurrent done on him by a chiropractor in texas and really helped the pain.  This lady chiropractor knows her stuff. Call her business and she probably will refer a doctor that uses this kind of treatment.  Its sulphur draw chiropractic in Lamesa Texas.

    debris in the inner ear will cause severe vertigo. your doctor should be able to give you instruction on this. about your pain. do try a chiropractor. they work wonders.


    yea I havr had that with ear problems alot better now but it took about 6 weeks to clear up LOL

    I like this site. so many people come in with different ideas ... or just understanding. thank you all for what you have said to jansue. 

    jansue, i hope you come back. 

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