What exactly would this be? His right to tell me I'm sick? That I have a demon inside me? That I have a curable disease? So curable that only he and a few others can cure me of it? You see that as his right to stand up for? Now I have to understand you were never really my "friend". You have been judging me also. Thanks.
10 Answers
"kill the king when love is the law", what happened to the right to agree to disagree, what next should we burn the constitution! certainally we all won't agree on everthing thats what makes this world go around.censorship is the gateway to communism, we can see how that worked out.this once was a site of moral demoracy now i now i don't stand alone. i'm with freedom fighter on this .soon enough you can debate the evelotion of monkeys verses robots.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |

6dogs was in no way censoring FF. She was trying to get him to back off me. I am not sick. I do not have a disease no matter what ANY CHRISTIAN AND THEIR BIBLE thinks! I have never asked to be "cured". I did not ask to be "cured". He took it apon himself to belittle me and continue to come at me telling me he knew me better than I knew myself, that he knew my homosexuality better than I knew it myself. He REFUSED to hear my words that I did not need healing. He continued to try and push his healing on me. Once he found out I would not accept his voo-doo witch doctoring, that's when he said, there's nothing more I can do here. I've decided to leave the forum. So, what was that all about? Was that him saying he was only here to try and cure me? He believes he is an angle sent by God to heal people. I am not a Christian so do not believe in his God. Why would he believe he would have the right to try and tear me down saying he knows how I was made? I know God gave me this homosexuality for HIS reasons. It is MY GIFT FROM HIM! No self proclaimed "angel" is going to take it from me. It's my life experience! Leave it to me and stop worrying about it! This means everyone who thinks their prayers or judgment can heal me or "save" me! I have nothing to be healed from or saved from except maybe judgmental people who have closed arrogant minds. Period!
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The administrators didn't develop this website for any other reason than for people to ask questions and others to give answers. The very fact that this question ended up being an assault and not a discussion is the reason I felt that I needed to step in. Colleen had asked Freedom Fighter to stop "badgering her" and he refused to stop.
"healing" of something that is God given.
You can tell them that...
It's alright you and 6dogs should stay
Either way I don't really care :)
Life is too short for hatred
I wasn't pointing hatred towards you or 6dogs .... my sole reason is to promote the freedom of speech without been threatened...

Never wanted that to happen and i still support you and like you even if you think otherwise.....
Anyways my three week trip hasn't ended...only recently did i have the chance to check in
Maybe i should've advertised this thread in a different way..
I'm getting off the internet now and don't know when i'll check in again
Maybe my head is just too tired. Anyways, whatever happens....life is short...grab an ice cream :)
And i'll be back next Monday....until then...hope things are cleared

I see weird s**t happening here. Why the spitting match between two adults got this far is somewhat of a mystery to me. Two opinions from people with opposing views should respect one anothers rights to express themselves. Don't like what you hear? Don't respond, and put it to sleep. Neither one involved in this dialog speaks for the masses. Opinion: When the "Censure" Nazi's decide what can and can't be discussed here,that will be the death nail for this site. Spirited discussions are interesting, even though it strays somewhat in regards to the original format of what this site was intended to do. Those with some clout on this site should keep in mind that given the temperament of the people here most will resign when suitable topics are chosen for them.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

"I should say Colleen that i never knew that they (Christians) literally perform such horrible exorcism on gay people.
When you talk about releasing demons from you, I thought he meant it kind of like a spiritual saying.....I'm kind of lost on this
subject and as I was away I kept thinking about it so I researched it and obviously hated it." "They could be animalistic in their treatment
of various issues. But this probably goes for every other religion as well especially extremist muslims. Your right, it is inhumane."
That is what I was fighting and yes, the treatment they/he uses angers me. It's so easy for people to tell me not to get angry when they've not had to live this crap all their adult lives. I'm angry for the victims of this mental torture FF calls a "cure". I've had every radical christian come at me on this site. You might see one or two. I've personally had to deal with them all. You'd get upset too if you had to face as many "calling outs" as I have here. All because I'm a lesbian. Really? All this just because I'm a lesbian. Wonder how the radical Christians would feel if I started a cure group for radical Christians.
I feel its best to stay away from those threads as they are personal. i don't mind politics though. When one attacks another lifestyle then it becomes a problem. I feel the same about religion.. Although I like a sensible debate in any subject where there is mature concerns and disagreements can be hashed out. But some subjects just do not have tolerance from either side. Take your beliefs and opinions and move on, there is nothing to gain, just good members leaving.. Don't try to change the world, its not our job..
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

6dogs and Colleen : you are still repeating the same thing over and over again in your answers: 'releasing the demon from Colleen..'
It's just repetitive and seems like whatever i'm going to say is not going to change your next answers.
Me saying anything else on this matter is not going to bring FF back.
But in the end all i saw is him sticking to his own opinion like Colleen. And seeing one go because the other is 'backed up' is sad to know...
Anyways this thread has nothing to do with religion or me being christian...it's just the idea of what power does to people.
I hardly come here anyway....so don't bother filling your hatred onto me next...
And Colleen : How can i like somebody without judging them...Yes I like you because i know exactly what you stand for, what your view is on...I never expressed any hatred towards you?
It seems like a lie but I only sticked to this forum because i like you :)
Anyway i just found it unfair for a member to leave because of his differing opinion...it shows ignorance and intolerance of understanding which is the only way to love each other....
I don't have much free time to say more...life has been too busy... i'll just grab an ice cream and advice anyone else to do the same....
Cheer up....the world is already filled with too much violence and hatred...why increase?
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |

"Cheer up....the world is already filled with too much violence and hatred...why increase? "
You need to ask FF that. He's the one promoting that I am something to be cured or feared because I have a demon possessing me. This is why some people hate and kill homosexuals. Because they believe the same thing.
Were did I promote hate and violence? Never mind, again, your view is one sided.
You know what I see? I see you trying to sensor me. You are telling me not to stand up for myself because by doing so I'm promoting hate and violence. How does that work in your world??
Lastly, 6dogs is new at being a moderator. It's not an easy job to do or to learn. I know I dealt with all the crap that comes with it. You had no right to call her out like this and attempt to create drama. Next time, take it to the admin to handle.
You can tell them that...
It's alright you and 6dogs should stay
Either way I don't really care :)
Life is too short for hatred
Seems like me pointing out a fact has turned into a big misunderstanding for you
I wasn't pointing hatred towards you or 6dogs .... my sole reason is to promote the freedom of speech without been threatened...

"I think what non-Christians don't realize is that, Christians relate almost every aspect of their lives to God or what God is trying to tell them, or How God is working in their lives. WE LIVE, BREATHE, EAT, AND ACT AROUND WHAT WE THINK GOD WANTS FOR OUR LIVES."
I believe Freedom Fighter was only trying to save Colleen, but what he didn't want to face, as I have, is you can't save anyone only God can do that and only when a person wants that, if they don't want your God, let it go and move on don't wast your energy as it will only pull you down.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |

There it should remain. Your lives, not others.
I relate every aspect of my life to what I believe God wants for me. Some Christians continue to try and push away my beliefs and force feed me theirs. Not cool!
doublehelix, you have read through the entire thread where Freedom Fighter made many comments on his beliefs about homosexuality. You also read many comments from Colleen with regards to her thoughts on homosexuality. But did you also read where Freedom Fighter refused to stop reiterating to Colleen that she was sick and that he as a Christian, was one of the few people IN THE WORLD who could cure Colleen of her disease. Colleen assured Freedom Fighter that she was born a homosexual, that it is not a disease, it cannot be cured, and yet he continued to be beligerant and browbeat her with his Christian beliefs that she is afflicted with a demon. Colleen repeatedly asked him to stop throwing his beliefs in her face and he refused several times and continued to attack her.
The persistant attack by Freedom Fighter on Colleen, even after being asked to stop, brought it to my attention that the discussion had come to an end and it had turned into a personal assault. It was apparent that Freedom Fighter was not willing to stop antagonizing Colleen.
The rules of the forum state that personal attacks on anyone are not allowed.
The proper place for comments like yours here is a direct communication to the administrators.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |