    highschool life

    what's the worst, or embarrassing, or great thing you did during your highschool life?
    please share, could be anything,> DO NOT BE EMBARRASSED TO SHARE < no one is here to judge you

    0  Views: 2145 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Were I live there is a mountain pass crossing the east to west side. Half of it is military property and the other is local PD. While I was in high school I was with a female at an off road rest stop. I had a little RX-7 and was in the middle of "doing it" when 2 female MP's came from nowhere and shined a bight ass light onto my bare ass! I could not even get my pants on b/c the car was so tiny and I am 6'1" and then 210 lbs. They made me get out w/ my boxers only and wrote me a warning while I was doing the best to cover up. To top it off these MPs were hot as well and keep giggling while I answered 2 or 3 questions. I was so embarrassed in front of these woman and I was only a junior in HS. I was Embarrassed as heck!


    haheee :D.

    i fell off a wheely chair in the IT room, with 30 students sitting among me, and a famous important guy giving a speech on macbooks, it was damn embarrassing as everyone kept on laughing.



    I can't recall any embarrassing moments.

    Great thing (not sure if this classifies as great) I started a "no to drugs" campaign when I was in the 10th grade (1978). I was actually surprised at how many people joined. The group was never really official as this was before the actual war on drugs in school but I think it still benefited all who joined.



    Though I might have had issues with drug use back then, I can say I don't have an issue with people using them now. It's a personal choice for them. I do still have an issue with kids in school using drug because the only way they can get them is from adults. Adults should know better and dealers need stiffer sentences (life would be good) when caught supplying to kids. My opinion only.


    that is great :) sorry to say i'm kind of against your club as it is i'm about to have a try at them :D


    yeah , your right , adults should be punished :)

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