    laugh at people when they are in pain

    why do we laugh when people are in pain, for example , if a classmate fell off his chair, the whole class starts laughing

    -1  Views: 1418 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: pain laughing

    explain please, interesting


    nah, nah, nah, just simple small pain, seriously i wouldn't laugh at someone who cut his arm in half, maybe,


    what i think is that people laugh at others pain because they have been in the same situation as before, they have been degraded so they see it it fit to degrade others, kinda psychological thing,

    ole hipster

    Actually I think it's a nervous reaction.

    ole hipster

    Well...I think people see others in pain as making themselves feel better...however, if a person that you see in pain is really in some serious pain that reaction should pass if you are a compassionate person. Decent folk will jump into action to help unless they are seriously non-caring people (and there are many) When the going gets tough, the tough get goind!

    ole hipster

    So true...most reactions are psychological...we are all slaves of our emotions and past experiences!

    1 Answer

    i laugh also, just in case, and i find it funny alot, especially how my teacher fell off the stairs when she was wearing REALLY high heels, i mean it's her fault for wearing so tall, thin shoes, so i just crack up laughing, does that mean i'm mentally ill , or abnormal or something? i consider myself normal, normal in my own definition of what normal is anyway :)


    thanks ole hipster, youre my number one total stranger friend :)

    ole hipster

    Nah, you're cool..probably couldn't stand the teacher to begin with!

    ole hipster

    Hey...You're not so bad yourself!

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