2 Answers
Bran is the outer husk of the wheat kernel, then you have the endosperm or the heart were flour is derived from, the germ is the harder inner core.
Bran is not a soluble as the edosperm and germ to liquids, they have more hydration purposes to them, and with Whole Wheat flour they add an bit of both when milling for the nutritional content.
By an unknown chef
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Wheat germ is the central core of the grain. It is an excellent source of vitamin E, zinc and the B vitamin folate. Just a quarter-cup supplies more fiber than a slice of most whole-wheat breads. Because of its polyunsaturated fat content, however, wheat germ should be stored in the refrigerator to prevent it from becoming rancid once the container has been opened.
Wheat germ that has had its fat removed does not need to be refrigerated; this type of wheat germ is lower in vitamin E. Wheat bran, on the other hand, is the outer shell of the whole-wheat kernel. Bran provides more than 6 grams of fiber in a quarter-cup and is an excellent source of magnesium and iron. Note that one is not nutritionally superior to the other. Better still, you benefit from both wheat germ and wheat bran when you choose whole-wheat foods.
Read more: http://www.nctimes.com/lifestyles/
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |