    Would You Tell A Fib To Protect A Friend?

    +13  Views: 900 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    Good question my friend.

    Thanks my friend!

    11 Answers

    It depends on the situation. I always tell the truth, but I also like to protect those close to me.

    yes depending on the fib as well as the friend

    Yes.. Does that make me a good person, no... does it make me a better friend, probaly not. But it is always my first instinct to protect the once I love.


    That depends on the circumstances, the friend and the consequences. I don’t put myself into situations that would lead to my having to lie. Knowing a fact and not talking about what you know is not the same thing. Having no credibility is a safe refuge as is not knowing anything about…whatever. What happened?  What is this about? Are the questions you ask when appropriate or to check on the opposition game. Intriguing games are hazardous and something you should avoid  if you expect to live a long and happy life…they can have fatal consequences.


    Why do you view this question as a intriguing game? It's not. This question is about how far you would go to protect a friend. Furthermore, I don't understand where you are coming from as far as you saying, I am asking "when appropriate questions" and "checking on the opposition game."

    Pamela……”to protect a friend from”…. apprehension by the police for having robbed a bank? I would say my friend is too crazy to be loose on the street and I do not want to share their cell by lying.

    Pamela……”to protect a friend from”…. apprehension by the police for having robbed a bank? I would say my friend is too crazy to be loose on the street and I do not want to share their cell by lying.

    There was no mention concerning criminal activities, so how did you derive with this scenario? BTW, I am expecting an explanation on the allegations you presented saying, I am asking "when appropriate questions" and "checking on the opposition game."

    UNCLE! Ok Pamela, I didn’t understand the question would lead to the Supreme Court Docket, so before we go down that road….I was wrong and I am bad so please forgive me and I will probable make the same mistake again dear.It’s obviously beyond me.

    No problem, all's fair in love and war. Have a great day! :-)

    I have done & would do again.Unless he was a murderer Or a child molestor Or something equally disgusting. But when people start asking questions about "Friends" & not mere aquaintances my usual response is to clam up if it's obvious they are fishing for something.

    Yes but my friend will owe me and i don't lie cheap!!  

    Just depends ... same as everyone else, I spoze.

    It depends on the situation, I DON'T  like to lie, but if it's a relative or a very close friend, I probably would. If someway it was a matter of life or death then YES I WOULD .

    Depends on, what, I'm ask to fib for minor, maybe<>major, NO.

    Only to the goverment.

    Yes as long as it's not something I could go to jail over.

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