    pt has already seen an optometrist. the glasses were made by our lab and since I am the optician I am trying to do research to find out why this happens to the paitent. One other thing to consider, when the patient holds the reading card at the same level, and moves it instead of their head that effect is not there, what would cause it to be there when turning the head and not when moving the object?

    0  Views: 262 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    What effect are you referring to?

    Again, while they hold their head one is focused then, when their head/eyes move they have to refocus so, if they have focals added, wrong scrip/strength, other health problems like my wife, she complained of similar problems with her new glasses an she's diabetic, first script not strong enough had to get stronger scrip.  Sometimes script is to strong causing, a feeling of lightheadness, blurred vision, nausea, etc.

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