8 Answers
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom as one seeks answers from His word and begins to change. I've found that God is love and sent his son as a ransom for my sins as well a others. Jesus, His son tells us to pray to this God by name (Jehovah) and to look for His Kingdom. Today man and most religions do not pray to God by name, even taking the name out of their Bibles, they look to man's governments rather then Jehovah's as Jesus as king and ruler of it.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom because one looks into His word and sees the bennifit of changeing his life. I was once a practising Homosexual until I looked into God's word, then seen that God does not like the practice so changed. I have benefited in that I no longer have heart bbreak and also am free of the health problems I now benefit from good friends who feel the same.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
the word fear is translated into honer or respect in acknowledgement of him...so if you read it like this it gives greater understanding.....THE HONER AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GOD IS THE BEGINNING OF WISDOM......you see how that sounds now???...the wisdom come by you knowing him and what i have said above.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
The beginning of wisdom is to NOT fear God and to understand that God is only love. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. No demands, no threats of damnation, just love.