19 Answers
I don't think it's too big of a gap....my other half is ten years my junior and we've been together 15 years and I'm female. But then again I'm 61 and he's 51 and I've noticed that as you get older a ten year difference doesn't seem to make much difference.
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
I said the same thing
hell no thats nothing the age diffferance,maybe if you were 13 and he was 23 it be a bit differant,plus its illeagle,your both adults, its the new "norm' nowadays, if it was the other way around him being 10 years older than you he'd be considered a "stud" so consider yourself a "studette" and go for it!
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Bad Idea,men mature at different rates then women the majority of the time,even though they hate to admit it,If your looking for fun and laughs maybe,but If you are looking for a real relationship the odds are against you,I tried dating a younger man before I remarried and It was the worst mistake of my life.Whatever you choose good luck to you.:)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
Problem is what happens when you are getting more serious? How do you take it to the next level? I think there is a possibility that it may work, but it would mostly be a sexual relationship without the potential to grow much past that.
It does happen, just a lot less likely to happen. I think many people miss out on the right person, while being with the wrong person, just for convenience.
It does happen, just a lot less likely to happen. I think many people miss out on the right person, while being with the wrong person, just for convenience.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
Years tell you nothing about a person.. The persons chioces and the life they have lived define them... I got married at 18 had a child at 19 and custom built our own home at 20.. We have been married for 17 yrs... I grew up hard and fast... My husband was a love dotted upon guy from a great family.. Both of our backgrounds help create strong secure young adults... You know this guy.. can he handle a serious relationship?
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
If your just looking for fun & do not have kids or anything better to do & don't mind aging while you may miss out on the right one, Go Ahead. A 23 year old man is still a boy (I have one) at least most are. You'd be better served with someone closer to your age or a bit older if you want someone worth keeping for the long haul.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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