30 Answers
1. Stable employment
2. Healthy sex drive
3. Dominance within the relationship
4. Sense of humor
5. Love for animals
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I am exactly having all these and the response from my wife has rewarding for over 30 years despite her declining desire for sex since of late!.
I fit all those requirements.. :)... And two more that have not been discussed at this point.. LOL
Stay away you wommens.. I can defend myself! LOLOL
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
@Lupe. Depends-- I don't know if Lupe is boy name or girl name.. if girl name answer will be 'Yes', if boy name I suggest you going to the YMCA and hanging around in the lobby.. :)
At this point in time, the qualities I look for are (and not in any particular order):
1. Honesty/Integrity
2. Responsible/Dependable/Reliable
3. Monogamous, Faith-Oriented
4. Healthy (inside and out) and Attractive (to me)
5. Sense of Humor, Adventure, Joy of Life
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Good ones and a precise field... now you need to make a Mantra... You get to colour with felt pens and add all the craft items on this planet... it is fun! And more to the point, it works.
There are days when I wish this was not so out in the open... a bit of girl time!
There are days when I wish this was not so out in the open... a bit of girl time!
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