3 Answers
they are gods people,,so they are favoured by God,,,
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/phenomenon-1996 This movie is about the effects of a brain enhancing compound that naturally occurs in less than 1% of the human population. The facts behind the movie have been known and understood for over 1000 years. The Jewish doctors who advanced the procedure in their population prior to WW2 sought to improve the intelligence of their populous and succeeded in filling universities with their very bright children.
Five non-jewish, prejudicial university chums saw what was happening and came across a folk medicine dealer who demonstrated the effect of hypnosis in comedy. The five students who were having their apartment painted considered it astonishing that they could influence a persons choice by hypnosis and decided to give it a try....but who? The painter was cleaning his brushes and his obvious unimportance to the group made him the target for their hypnotic influence. Since the five students were in political science together, their toying with the painter under hypnosis was in the direction of their collective interest.
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Jews are brighter than other races. Unfortunately Hitler thought otherwise and did his best to eliminate them. Fortunately he lost the war and enough Jews remained to re-populate.
10 years ago. Rating: 3 | |