    Rosie wants to run for president. She believe Macadamia nuts will solve the world's problems. They are a perfect protein and a great brain food. Hey! I might vote for her if only I could remember her last name. You know?

    Saw her on The View.

    +2  Views: 3124 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Rosie O'Donnell (sp?) Did you all see her on the "view" ? Freaky looking outfit and she herself has always been freaky but that is part of her persona


    Sorry ole hipster, but her name is Roseanne Barr; aka Rosie.

    Sorry Nene, she is Rosie O'Donnell, not Roseanne Barr. One does not call Roseanne, Rosie.

    Maybe you should lots of Macdamia nuts perhaps then you would be able to remember?


    I was going to get some but they're too pricy. Only the rich will have good memories and be smart. the underlings of the world will just get worse. GOOD COMMENT.

    Thanks itsmee yep they are very very pricy and I myself do not much care for them anyway.

    I love macadamia nuts. I'm sure Rosie was joking so any Rosie haters, chill..she's not going to run.

    I didn'† know that about the donald.  she's brilliant. how can anyone hate her? 


    Rosie (Roseanne) BARR is her name. She was on The Jay Leno Show last night (Aug. 11,2011).

    I would not advice you to call Roseanne Barr Rosie, lol She is Roseanne only, NOT Rosie as she's said many times. Rosie is Rosie O'Donnell

    I LOVED that outfit and would have designed it myself. There were problems with her look ~ the horrid

    red scarf, the ugly ugly strapped wedges, and her hair was a witch. If she'd been tall and thin that outfit would have been stunning. (If she had taken my fashion advice, of course)

    You think she was joking, huh, Colleen?


    Yes, she's been asked before if she would ever run and she's said, "No way!". I'm going to bet that she said it only to spoof on the fact that "Tha Donald" had strongly considered running. You know she and he have been at war for years.

    PALM ... Her last name is PALM

    She also has five sisters


    Not sure about solving the worlds problems but work near a macadamia plantation and know we end up with heaps of rodents,who love them too, and the runoff from the plantations have turned the river a tacky brown!!! hasnt solved much here

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