    is revenge served best cold? is it more fun to kick someone when they are down?

    Just want to make sure I achieve maximum damage.. LOL

    +12  Views: 1500 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    ""Confucius say they who embark on a journey of revenge must dig two graves.


    Thank you for the thumb ups

    fab picture who was the Artist Whovin?

    Confucius says man with hole in pocket does not feel too cocky!

    I do not know who painted it found it on the internet went nicely with the Confucius quote

    I hate to fight.But when I have to fight,I fight *To Win*.Bugger the rules of chivalry get stuck in.


    Kick in the cods does wonders. I am very religious when it comes to "Do unto him before the bastard does unto you" That comes from the first chapter of Survival in the creed of Peoplelover the god for all reasons and seasons.

    I am agarst at all thease hard and naughty thoughts,

    You only have to pray to God one time, and he will administer the appropriate response to whom ever has harmed or hurt you. I was so tempted to take revenge quite a few times in my life, but God does take care of us, He can enact a much more terrible revenge than anyone and He doesn't like it when people mess with his children.

    I almost blew up someones car that owed me a Harley Davidson that was promised in exchange for my work on his house, but I refrained from what I wanted to do and left it in the Lords hands. His house was struck by lightning on the electrical box outside, the fire would have wiped out his entire house if he wasn't home. He didn't have any insurance either.

    I then felt terrible for hoping that something bad would happen to him, I mean lightning how freaky is that? What are the odds? When you find yourself thinking about getting back at someone and that anger starts to swell up inside you, pray and practice thinking about something else. Hope this helps.


    Wow... I am hurt but I would not hurt someone. The thought just came to mind. And I think the person has already been cut down to size without any hepl from me. Thanks Leeroy...
    I need to read about God and prayer... My heart is cold and I need some help melting it.

    No problem Jenn, I think this is a normal way to feel when somebody wrongs you.

    Jenn, you have gotten to be a wild woman..or is everyone just bringing the best out of you?  I have no doubt that you could bring max damage to many a poor folk.  :)  Which is OK, just don't kick em when their back is turned.




    LOL.. Yes I know I am in rare form lately ... Sorry I have a bee in my bonnet...

    Dont kick them when they are down.

    Congratulations, 10,000!

    IamPamela313 - thank you, thank you, thank you!

    the lowest point in my life was when i was praying for vengence. vengence does not belong to us


    i am not seeking revenge... it is just a saying that I have always heard. I know I have been ill lately but I am still me and dont wish anyone harm.

    "I answered with vengeance when my heart was morning deliriously and drove a spike through the feet of Christ in answer to the cries of the crowd, that He would fly down from the cross…Not on my watch.” behind the 7th seal.


    THANK YOU!!!!

    One of my friends got into a fight and asked me to watch his back especially the guy he pointed out to me. Well the guy didn't know I was watching and started to make a move to jump in to help his buddy that was fighting my friend. Well I took him down in a split second, and some other friends of mine started kicking him. I felt terrible, so I would suggest to never kick someone when they're down because it causes the most damage.

    I mean this literally and metaphorically.


    Yes , absolutely. When a very stupid gesture needs to be done on someones part, revenge is the best remedy, cold.  Do you need any assistance. ?  No need to kick when down, just give them the feeling of unlucky incidences that happen to them,

    Revenge has a nasty habit of kicking you back in the teeth. Live and let live is my motto.  


    Good motto!!!! Life has a way of working itself out...

    Yep.what I always say,Move on.Life is too short.

    Mental revenge is a great invention. I take great satisfaction in “paying back” someone who has slighted me with my head. By the time the anger has worn off, I’m over the slight and move on……..

    I have known those who happily dished-out punishment for undeserved accolades and lost their foolish pride in a gutter while clenching a bottle as their eventual reward. Truth is stranger than fiction especially when inebriated arrogance meets the clear light of day. 

    My need to answer calls for vengeance has expired into my understanding of ignorance and my prayerful desire for the shared enlightenment of others.  

    loading revenge is best served hot when someones realy happy and you make them really sad then you know 1000% that your revenge is complete


    and if you wont max damage use a wooden/metal bat

    Well done Deathboy, only one spelling mistake, you did correct it on the secod time for the same word.

    Now try to use capital letters, you know the BIG ones, at the beginning of a sentence. That is when you start a new lot of words.

    I am impressed, and I thought for moment you were a lost cause.

    Love bug... LOL ... You spelled second wrong while you were lacturing him.. LMAO!!! You are the cutest!

    My revenge is passive, in thought only.  When people say "What goes around, comes around", or "Karma is a b*tch", they often don't realize that perhaps they "deserve" the bad stuff and should forget about "revenge". 

    I'm with Benthere; God takes care of everything, in HIS time. 


    Jenn I have learned that revenge only hurts the one trying to get revenge in the long run.  I think I have said this before it is like drinking poison yourself and hoping the other person dies from it.  Best left to God even though yes it hurts, yes it makes you angry and yes we would not be human if we did not say we did not want revenge when hurt, but I have found that left up to God (revenge is mine saith the Lord God) he can do much better job of it than I could ever think or do.  But I am sorry you are hurt I sure know how that feels a lot.  But we love you Jenn.

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