    I need to find out in an adult answer why we in the USA are having this problem with the Republicans in raising the debt ceiling. Is it because Obama is a black man and AIPAC and other racists want to cause a double recession so he loses the 2012 elections?

    0  Views: 577 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    You are a racist!! Just the fact that you liberals constantly bring up race is proof of that..

    To make one thing very clear,

    I am NOT a RACIST! I don't like his white half either!!!!

    11 Answers

    There is no racial issue. We can not afford to raise the debt ceiling. That would tank our dollar. Obama is threatening the US with not paying SS and other needs of the people just to get his way. He will lose the election all on his own if he's allowed to raise the ceiling. He's the one who wants to do this. Congrsss is fighting him. Go research and give up on your racist card. He is 1/2 white.



    We can not afford our debts now. Here's what will happen if we default on a new debt. The full consequences of a default – or even the serious prospect of default – by the United States can cause this nation to be viewed as a credit risk. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and on the value of the dollar in exchange markets. The Nation can ill afford to allow such a result. We need to cut spending and pay back debt rather than increase it.

    You liberals SUCK. Everything this man has done has been detrimental to this country. Just don't point it out though. People like you feed into the race issue. If your black, shame on you. If your white, your hats on too tight. This racist country elected a black man with no experience other than being a community organizer. Who do you think elected this man, the black community? NO. There's not enough blacks in this country to do that. Whitey put him in office.


    Good points against the use of the race card.
    ed shank

    I believe the question was posted by an adult agitator. Look at the structure and spelling of the question.

    I am so sick of this 'republican's are racist, remember michael steele , Condoleezza Rice, Clerance Thomas..  here's just a list of Black Republican leaders in only letters A and B..   if republicans are so damn racist, how come there are so many black republicans!

    The racism is you!  people like you bring up race at every chance but you are too left wing to see your own faults..


    grow up and learn to practice what you all preach.. Drop the racist BS..

    I think the Republicans want to make thinks as difficult as possible for this administratin so they will be able to win the elections in 2012. I really wish we had some Statesmen/Stateswomen in stead of politicians.
    The Republicans gave an absolute NO vote to ending the tax dollars given to big oil companies for drilling exploration.
    Does that tell you anything? I would have no problems with tax dollars going to promote reneweable energy.
    Our nation is hurting, we all need to pitch in and help. As individuals we know we cannot spend more than we make for an extended period. Our government knows this also.
    I see no racial issue in this at all.
    Interested in seeing what others have to say on this subject.

    ""Well, the gigs up. Now EVERYONE knows that if you disagree with Barack Obama you MUST be a racist.

    It was only a matter of time.

    To Blah, how old are you? What's wrong with calling Obama a black man, other than the fact that he's half white?
    Your question is confusing, and makes absolutely no sense at all. Does anyone know what a ''debt ceiling '' is ??
    Obama is just a puppet for those who REALLY run this country. And at the next election, it won't matter who wins, b/c you're still gonna get raped.

    PS, You never explained what AIPAC is

    Why are we still trowing the race card ? This is a question about the whole worlds economy,with vast implications grow up and move on people

    hey don't calll my grandpas granpas friend which is obhama ok so don't call him black



    you got a problem with blacks?

    My president, Barrack Obama, is a black man?

    I stopped watching the political news mill of rumors and twisted truths into blatant lies. The news  sensationalizes their presentation of events into an enigmatic blather. We have no control over the corruption of this media, no standard of excellence. It is little more than folksy hearsay designed to raise your blood pressure…my meter of outrage.  

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