10 Answers
to some people it's pride, to some people it's ignorance, to some people it's the effect of society, you can never rule out what makes a person offended, it's called 'personal life' i don't easily get offended, i like getting my point across, but some people just get really offended quickly which is what i hate, i mean your a grown up, you got to learn how to control your brains pattern of thinking for a little bit. :)
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Many times it's the truth about us that can hit the hardest, like when a friend calls you out for treating your girl bad, or something your not doing right. We justify our actions to perceive ourselves in our own minds as good people.
How many people have you met that have a completely different view of themselves, than the rest of the world had, i.e., Charlie Sheen. Pride can compel us to continue down the wrong path, all for the hopes of being correct or right. We have blinders on sometimes when it comes to our own actions.
Some people are just sensitive or oversensitive people, I have dated some seriously sensitive women, I think the root of the problem may be in insecurity. It can cause us to misunderstand what people are saying because our own perceptions. Or what we think other people think about us.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
we just don't want to accept a different view of something because were afraid of accepting the truth, We Don't Want To Be Proven Wrong (PRIDE)
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
It is often hard to forgive such offenses. But, one must take a little time to cool off and let go. Dump the burden, being happy inside, far surpasses anger and hurt which left untended; unforgiven ever leads to aging and sickness. One becomes the Master of ones self in the Light of ones Joy, dispite the chaos. It sure feels a lot better, so be good to yourself make the right choice. The offender is ignorant of these things, therefore doesn't know any better. Its just ignorance goin on. ;-)
If someone offends you, do you value their opinion more than your own?
If someone offends you, have they taken away some of your power?
We look for power ro replace missing, or partially missing, self esteem
Authority, horsepower, larger, more valuable, having things, going shoppping for an uplift, all substitute for self empowerment, ie self-esteem
If you're not what you have expected yourself to be, you might considering being something else, like satisfied with yourself.
Do you value the opinion of others to reinforce how you feel about yourself. If you do you try to influence and trick others in ways; authority, horsepower, etc., into viewing you as you want to view yourself.
Seems their is no greater motivation for the human being than self-esteem.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
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