    I am great at motivating others, but have a more difficult time motivating myself. How you find is the best way to motivate yourself? What's your trick or advice?

    Is there a special trick you have to movitate yourself that may help other peole here? I think it's much more difficult to motivate onesself than others.


    Oops, How do you find is the best way to motivate yoursel?


    +11  Views: 1053 Answers: 12 Posted: 13 years ago

    good question Leeroy

    Thank you so much Mel!

    12 Answers

    Self motivation has been tough for me too. My bills are paid, the house work is done, the car is waxed, the cat is fed too well. I have more money than I need, every tool in the world is in my shop in pristine order. The insurance is paid up. Tax money for next year is in the bank. My IRA wants me to take more money. I donated to every cause in the world. My self-indulgent x-wife is off with her friends on a jaunt in Ireland. The neighbors all have their homes in escrow. My maid service won’t come over because all the girls are pregnant…already. When a street preacher got to my front door the other day and I opened the door, he recognized who I am, blushed red and ran away screaming back at me “Got to hell!…Go to hell!” as he ran down the street….and all of this is because I am thinking about doing something. The thieves that stole my gold and silver collection two years ago brought it all back and apologized for their mis-behavior. Come on Leeroy! just thinking about self motivation scares me.     


    Why would a preacher scream that at you? What did you ever do to him? Sounds like you could use a hobby Not Rob. I hate wasting my time sitting around watching t.v., or what have you. I beat my self up at the end of the day if I haven't accomplished anything, just feels like wasted time, you know?

    Leeroy, parody.

    Become a monk, Robert.
    Life doesn't always have to be so serious. One of the best ways to motivate yourself is to laugh, play, and have fun.

    lie in bed and let someone else do your work....just kidding , to me i've got to look at the big picture, the job complete and break it to down to one piece at a time until the puzzle is complete, that a pot of coffee!


    Thanks Daren.

    loud music and lists and then tick off each chore as it is done

    Leeroy,  Do you have a close friend or family where you are.? If the Ocean is close by, spend some time with a friend just sitting at the beach and listen to the waves. It has always done wonders for me when I felt down.. Also reading a good book with music in background is very relaxing.But the best  thing by far is meditation. It gives you new energy/


    Yes I have some family, but we really don't hang out much. I have a handful of friends as well. I really miss going down to the beach and I live about 5-10 minutes away, so thanks for the advice I'll start going back there as soon as I get my motorcycle fixed, hopefully next week. Parking is a nightmare.

    Leeroy ~ why oh why did you put an alligator in the place of your face? or is that an alligator? i have problems seeing the pictures. (small print)


    I've been feeling a little mean lately, lol. If you click on my profile you can see the picture bigger than on this page. I am a Florida boy.

    My son lives in tavenier and works in homestead. he and i don't discuss the reptile population in florida because i have a terrible phobia about those things. i will not look at the alligator blown up in your profile.
    put a drawing there.

    Looks more like land extending into water to me. It may be taken from space. I think a similar image search may be possible on google images. As a gator, there are a few too many oddities to be a reptile.

    Leeroy ... thank you for your comment on removing the soap residue. i'm about to do my carpets (little spots) i will hold your answer in my heart. <3  oh, i hate me when i don't do the things i ought to do. i am limited because of my shoulder and back problems but I play it, you know. "oh, you fix dinner tonight, honey. my shoulder hurts. ow ow ow. "  yes, depression is an issue for me. 

    marmite ... i do that. doesn't work too well but it's better than nothing for me. i keep losing my notebook where i keep track. 

    jenn ... did it bleach the stains?! 

    robert grist ... i am holding my sides. I LOVE your answer. you must write a novel. parody can get get lost in a fast-reading place but keep it up. 

    hector ... you're funny. : ) 

    i am putting my responses here because if i try to put them in the right place, my computer jolts and I can't find my way back to the question. this has been going on for a long time. 


    practice what you preach, take your own advice

    Good advice, I think most people find it harder to motivate themselves sometimes, especially when depression is involved.

    Most people are not motivated to do something when they have no or little interest. I guess that is your case as mine.

    Regular exercise would give you physical motivation. The physical energy will provide the source of mental force.

    Are you a last-minute person? I am. I put things off till the moment I must do. When I do it, I do it with great focus. I believe in myself too much.


    i have to do things way ahead of time. if i don't do it early they will never get done.

    Music loud heart, racing, kick butt music..  I am having a great day with my ipod.... I shocked and vacummed the pool, shampooed the carpets, washed laundry... I Love My MUSIC!


    Make sure when you're done shampooing the carpets that you rinse them with clean water. Most soaps or detergents will leave a residue, that will attract dirt and they will get dirtier faster than before. Thanks for the answer Jenn.

    LOL.. I just put bleach in the raise water and riased it, no shampoo today.... The dogs have ruined the carpet and I am more conserned with sanitizing it right now.. It it light carpet so it is not going to have bleach stains...

    Hi Leeroy I think the best way to motvate one is to make a things to do list this has helped me so many times when I have been down and also when I am happy and get laxadasive it really does help me I was talking to a friend of mine who is a shrink Sorry cant spell the correct name anyway told him this what i do and he said he advises his patients to get motavated by doing this and then ticking them off  and they felt that had a adchieved something every day give it a go good luck

    I like to use the self starter  motivating  phrase "DO IT NOW" after having said these words the next step is to begin the task you have assigned  yourself, without reneging . A possible downfall to this procedure is lazy avoidance of the 3words in the beginning ah! such is life ,and the cravings for the easy path of resistance


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