14 Answers
I am sure ... there are brilliant things entered here daily ... your words could end up somewhere else. We should dumb ourselves down and the "those people" will ignore us....
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
There are a couple of fools using the site at the moment.(No names,no pack drill).But what are ya gunna do?
Just tolerate them 'til they get sick of it & they will go away.
They pick on a subject that is bound to irritate someone & then keep picking at it like an itchy sore.
I deal with them by laughing at them.
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
I've seen those jokers and it's anybody's guess. Fun.
who takes this seriously??..LOL
13 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

daren1. I swear i am missing something. Why would someone want to infiltrate a question and answer site. Somebody asked me was i CIA. No I am just a humble spiritual person that likes to read and communicate with others while we are in our earthly bodies. I like what a lady told me recently who was run over in her car by a big rig and could not walk for three years. She said after that accident she advises people to "have as much fun as humanly possible." Now i believe in fun at every point in life, even if its walking the cat.
13 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
Anyone is welcome to join this site and use darned near any moniker/alias he or she wants.
Seems like anyone can infiltrate this site and pose as whoever they want to be.
In all honesty, I am an undercover agent for the A. I. K. N. and have been cracking your secret codes wide open. The jig is up, people, and you know who you are.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |