Work can be good or bad, the right job is the key factor in work being good, If you hate the job it's not going to be done with the right attitude and maybe not done to a good standard. But if your happy with your work the work quility can be excellent and the work easy.
The strutt stops the spring continueing bouncing, It will not normal do much but can afect road holding. If it gets real bad it could fall apart the bits could damage things like brake pipes. so a short while would be ok.
Thermastats normal have a temperature setting control set one to the switch on before your minamin temperature is reached set the other to switch off at highest temperature
trinz is one my son has it's very detialed
bouy to achieve di
Don't hurry it will come to you, hurrying may not by good as you may just take the first that shows interest in you, there is a lot of boys out there that will take avantage of you. Don't let them wait be patent get a good deal
any thing made of iron or steel
we need to know what you are applying for
If you do not know who you are then how are we to know
a second hand pc maybe your best choice. My son got a pc for £37, It had 256 mb ram a 128 graphics agp card I put in 2 gb memory and 500 mb graphic. so its cost less than £100 total. its got xp pro o/s but works real well now