    What do you know of AUSTRALIA.

    obviously this question is for our over-seas cousins,

    +17  Views: 2142 Answers: 32 Posted: 12 years ago

    32 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I used to work in and around the yachting industry and though I've always learned about a place from watching t.v. like Daren, I've had the pleasure of meeting many Aussies. I can tell you this,"All the Aussies I have met have been just the coolest people."

    I like how they are straight forward, their accents are cool, and they seem to know how to let their hair down and have some fun. I also know that they aren't considered stuffy, or uptight. It seems like Americans and Australians have much in common when it comes to being up front and honest.

    I know that we have been allies for a long time and fought side by side the freedom of other nations. For the place it's self, I would love to visit one day, even before Europe. I'd like to go surfing there someday even though they do have great whites swimming around.  Just wanted to say thanks for all my Aussie friends for being so straight forward, nice, cool, and interesting people.


    You seem nice, cool and interesting too,Leeroy.

    Thank you! :)
    Can I post a answer Bman? too bad you can go and get stuffed I am going to anyway.

    I know that there is not a more democratic nation in the world, I know the "standing by you mates" is as strong today as it was in the trenches in the first world war.
    I know there is not another land mass in the world where the same language is used all over, I know you can tavel from the tip of Cape York right around Australia back over to Cape York and not go through one border check point,I know we have one of the largest deserts, I know we have magnificent rain forests, I know we have a greater expanse or beaches covered in sand coloured from dazling white to gold than any country in the world.

    Most of all I know I would never live anywhere else and I am eternaly grateful that my forebears had the good sense to migrate here in the 1800s.
    country bumpkin

    You make it sound interesting and beautiful.

    No country bumpkin, I don`t make it sound interesting and beautiful, it is interesting and beautiful.

    Today where I live is mid winter, not a cloud in the clear deep blue sky and 22Celcius.


    apart from getting stuffed, peoplelover that was well said! i don,t have to worry about the answers as yourself, 6dogs4us and Tommyh are doing the courtesy.

    Blah,blah,blah. If it's that heavenly, why is it you all talk funny and drive on the wrong side of the road ?
    I know that thier are some great AKA members from their. And I would love to meet them and let them show and tell me all about Austalia.

    it would be a pleasure.
    It is one of New Zealand's three islands.

    Cheeky bugger digger, you forgot Tasmania, so it is one of New Zealands` 4 islands.

    No can`t leave that some uneducated idiot and or kid might think it is true. Australia is not part of the land across "The Ditch"
    FACT: at the time Australia was becoming independant it was suggested N.Z. should become part of OZ. Many Kiwis now wish they had.

    Look smart arse we have offered you statehood I'm sure.If you guys over there haven't got the sense to take it too bad.Next time we give you a cricket lesson maybe we can discuss it.(All in fun Digger,We are gr8 m8s).


    Now,now. Calm down you Air Supply-loving music execrators. As a fellow colonized subject of the British empire, I feel a kinship between you Australians and we Canadians.

    I wish your exported wines were priced more in line with the Chilean nectar but hey, democracy has a price tag, eh? Cheers, my friends !

    I have always been interested in Ausrealia. I have a Video that I bought 20 years ago  It shows all of Australia. Where they find Opals, Sidney the outback etc.  Have not watched it in a while.. A very interesting country..

    love to visit though would not want to meet my 1st hubby as he was aussie liked the beer too much if you get my drift last time I heard he had a tuc box and was living out in the the bush with the abo's Aussi is still on my wish list to visit before I die looks fabulouse and aways wanted to visit ayers rock dont go much for the big cities been to one and you been to them all have bonsi day

    Looking forward to seeing you, Mel.

    Hi Bullittman let you know when I come and look forward to seeing you lol
    My daughter was down for a Holiday last year ,very nice to visit,did some snorkel in the corral sea,very pretty to see.ALL I know about Australia,is the kangaroo which you don't want mess around.Friendly people,nice welcome.
    Hi BL, I don't know mucho grande about OZ, but I do know:

    They have koala bears, kangas, wombats, crocs, and other really neat critters. They have a huge opera house on the harbor in Sydney. The Outback is where they have huge sheep ranches called Stations. It is home to Crocodile Dundee and the Australia Zoo.

    They have their own special language which is still a mystery to me, but thanks go you, I'm learning.

    Oh, and then there's Ayers Rock, really neat place and holy site for the Aborigines. I would love to come and visit someday.

    OK 6 dogs.Corrections are as follows.(Didn't we make you an honorary Aussie?).Koalas are not bears.They are marsupials.Australia Zoo is a fantastic place not far from wher I live.(People lover is even closer).Crocodile Dundee is completly fictional.(Thank God).& mysteriously Ayers Rock is no longer Ayers Rock.Since it was handed back to the Abbos & classed as a sacred bloody site mate,it has been re-named ULURU.& as I have stated before we speak a language similar to English which isn't that hard to pickup after about 30 years.Good onya for havin' a go.:)

    THANKS peoplelover & Tommyh for holding the fort for me, i'v only just logged on. got some interesting answers i see. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO ALL THE AMERICANS ON SITE.

    Know what guys, I will just have to take a year off from my life here and come to visit all of you there in beautiful Australia. That's the plan, now where to find the money and a replacement for me here at home. That may take some time. Hold down the fort for me until I get there!

    we will be waiting, with a nice ice cold beer.
    I know that if your name is Randy, don't say "I'm Randy."
    It means you're horny.

    "WELL?" FF do you know Randy is not randy? He may be as randy as a buck rabbit.

    They used to call Prince Andrew " Randy Andy "
    all I know is that it's a place I've longed to visit for a long time, beautiful place from what I've heard.

    its a little like the U.S. but better and safer, come on over Bevs you won't be disappointed.
    All I know is, it's a big place, with mellow people in it.

    Sorry Ed.I don't know many "Mellow" Aussies.LOL
    Yes Oz is great, fine cities, gorgeous girls, friendly people, but between the towns there are great expanses of bugger all.
    Having worked in Walgett (NSW) I have had first hand experience. I met an Aussie who knew the town, he said it must have been a bit of a culture shock. I replied that it was certainly a shock, but not much culture.

    good one lol
    I was there 40 years ago when I was 16. Sydney.
    Opera House wasn't complete yet. Took harbor tour and all the other BS. Nixon was president and the Aussies weren't happy about how he was handling the Vietnam War.

    ONE THING stands out in my 16 year old mind at the time. The HOT PANTS all the gals were wearing at KINGS CROSS. Shwing!

    Iv'e sen the world you can hear 'em cry,
    But I'll bet you a tenner to a con mans swy,
    You won't have seen the lot 'til the day you die,
    If you haven't been to see KINGS CROSS!
    With thanks yo Mr. Johnny O'keefe.(Ancient Aussie Rock star)

    TSC Those girls in hot pants may have been transvestites, was fooled the first time i saw them in the Cross until some one enlightened me.

    Tommy thanks for JO`K reminder. When I was a young soldier me and my mates loved the Cross. Knew it long before the elAliemein fountain was even there.
    To bulletman: You weren`t the bloke I heard about that picked up the girl , went home with her only to find she was a he. When asked what he did he said "I was so disapointed I nearly let him go"

    I may be from Sth. Aust., I HAVEN'T TURNED YET.

    They were women bulletman. :0
    quite frankly very little,unfortunitly for me. just what i learn on t.v.. i don't mean to sound ignorant, i'm just a product of my enviroment.. but i do know Australia is a great democracy!
    aLL i KNOW IS WHAT i HAVE READ ABOUT AND SEEN ON tv would love to go and visit for a few months. My dad was there in ww2 speaks very highly of the austrailian people. I think their slang is just too cool , oh and once there was a aussie who worked same co. that I did was around him so much I started picking up on some of his aussie terms of slang. LOL

    now you are talking , PANDA i live in the state of STH. AUST where approx. 20 Ks away is the great wine of AUST., is produced THE BAROSSA VALLEY and inexpensive.


    Hi 6dogs, allow me to enlighten you just a bit. They are Koalas, a marsupial, not a bear. They are related to Wombats.

    The Sydney Opera house is on the shore NOT on the harbour, they tried that but it kept sinking. (Joking)

    Ayers rock was discovered by the explorer Ayer but it had been of course know to the aboriginees forever.
    They called it Uluru (oo-loo-roo)and their traditional name is being used out of defference to them.

    Uluru is a sacred site as opposed to a holy site which we leave to the orthodox religions to use.

    You are correct in that our "strine" as it is called, language causes no end of laughs to us and visitors alike.

    Examples: fanny is a womans private bits and pieces. Durex is a brand of sticky tape as well as a brand years ago of condom.I heard this one only a few days ago, a lady visiting from the US was in a large shop and the sales assistant came over and said "Are you right there" The lady said "Yes thank you" this happened a couple of times "are you right there?" until finaly the lady asked "Do iI look ill? I am just waiting to be served?" Which of course was what had been happening all the time, they come up "are you right there" reply "Yes do you have these shoes in a size;;;;" We would love you to come over and if I win the $30 million lottery (lotto) in a couple of weeks you will have that oppotunity.

    ROFLMAO, you are too funny ((((Hugs)))

    Can I have a turn ? I'm an Aussie!


    We are the lucky country,and i am one proud Aussie.

    Of course pythonlover every one else is
    Y'all got big spiders and you talk funny.. LOL

    Hi Vinny and I like the way they talk! :)

    we type funny too.

    LOL! Yes you do!!!! HA!! Just kidding of course, actually I have relatives living there and of the 'few' people I have met from Australia that have been really nice. I met a woman from Australia many years ago, I was a youngster at the time but I remember her as being one of the most beautiful women i have ever met.. She was about 20 years my senior then but I still remember her and only spoke to her for less than 5 minutes.. What an impression she left on me..
    never neet a aussie,i know they have the best dogs,period !!!!!!!!!!!from being on this site sounds like they got some pretty neat people too.;'[],./;wonder why i wasn't born their????

    Can`t all be lucky franklin.
    Only what I see on T.V.,they say mate and Good day,and they have to many scary snakes,spiders,jellyfish and a whole bunch of other scary animals,that right there scares me to death,but other than that it looks beautiful!Oh... and it's were Aboriginal people live also.:)

    Aboriginal people live in the US of A too.(They used to call 'em Indians).

    Wow,I have never met one or have ever known of any.(Interesting):)

    cut the B.S. Tommyh.

    Bulletman,did you hear that they are exporting Holden caprices to the Usa as police cars.They are the ones with the 6 litre engine.A Georgia sherrifs dept has ordered 300 of them & they reckon they are the best they have ever had.capable of 150 MILES per hour. & the good news... they are coming straight out of South Australia.

    ( they will have a Chevrolet badge in the US)


    Tommy , the Chevy Pontiac GTO is the name given the American export model , yes it does have a 6 litre engine which delvelops almost 400 bhp, the yankee cppers love itand it is made approx, 3 kilometres from my home in the HOLDEN plant. It's a HOLDEN MONARO WITH MORE OOMPH.

    hey bullet.No this isn't the Pontiac.I know the one you mean.Our highway patrol has them.These are the Statesman caprice 4 door model.

    Thats the first of heard of it , Tommy. === if only we could obtain them.

    LOL,B/man.If only we could afford them. :-(

    Lovey Wine, lovely people,lovely place.

    Today saw TV programme "Wanted Down Under" today depicted Adelaide - looks incredibly beautiful - when I could move there - but now I would be of very little use there. Also said Australia the lhird largest exporter of wine in the world.

    I'm afraid I do not know much about Australia - have met a lot here especially in the 70's living in Earls Court some seemed a bit too cocksure for me though then - shame - and have worked with Aussies. Some of my old friends were Australian and one was so brainy and she constantly read "Mills And Boon" books - romantic stories "Penny Dreadfuls" - said to be good for the phychie all the time by the bucket load for the guys these are romantic penny dreadfuls. A guy in our house is there at the moment - said I would love to go but couldn't do the flight to his friend who said he couldn't  either- I couldn't even do the airport these days - need a holiday by the time you get to the destination - I need that magic carpet. 

    What I do know is the third largest Island in Australia is Kangaroo Island (off the coast of Adelaide)? It must be a beautiful country, looks like it from what I have seen we have a programme here called "Wanted Down Under" about families wanting to move there.



    dopey. i have been to kangaroo island several times, i think you would love K.I. , it's great going across on the ferry, it only takes 40 minutes, in summer when the seas around the island is much calmer the water is crystal clear ideal for swimming, and diving for wrecks which there are many, in winter the swells cam be huge as they come straight off the southern ocean. look at google on the net.
    i know but i just feel sorry for the rest of the world that never meet me...oh well just some more daily stress i have to contend with...thank god for "miss perfect"and brandy...

    Aussie red wines are the best in the world.   New Zealand white wines are the best in the world.


    I don't want to seem bias but OZ has both incredible reds as well as whites. N.Z.has good wines too as well as STH. AFRICA.

    Do you work for the ATB.?  Before you google it, thats the Australian Tourist Board.


    No! i do not west- bus, i proud to be an Aussie, plus i've travelled a lot.

    It's upside down


    Why do you think it is called Down Under?

    Not to much to add Bullet,except you have always been around when we have been in trouble,{Thanks}


    'Like two peas in a pod' -- My Pleasure, Mate :)

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