    what is the lords prayer

    +5  Views: 1738 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: jesus

    9 Answers

    I've had some school in Theology and what I was taught is that the Lord's prayer is an outline of how to pray. Our Father in heaven: means address your prayer to father God.
    Hallowed be thy name: Lift up his Holy name.
    Thy kingdom come: Pray that Gods kingdom comes to the Earth.
    Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven: Pray for Gods will to be done in our lives, not just what we want.
    Give us this day our daily bread: Tell God what you need and ask him to meet them.
    As we forgive those who trespass against us: Forgive those who have done you wrong, ask God to help you forgive.
    Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil: Pray that the Lord will keep you out of trouble, but when it happens give us a way out.
    Thine is the kingdom, power and glory,Amen. His kingdom is coming it will be glorious, praise Him for that and thank Him for being just etc....


    Unlimited thumbs up for you leeroy! That is the best answer I have ever read on this site. Keep up the good work.

    I love how you explained each part of this beautiful prayer, leeroy, and please excuse my editing of the line right after "Give us this day our daily bread,
    AND FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US. (we want to forgive people who hurt us the same as we want God to forgive us when we mess up).
    Thank you for your kind heart, leeroy. God certainly shines through you.

    Thank you both Nene, and Bob, I believe I heard a pastor preach a sermon on this so I can't take the credit. I appreciate you kind comments though...
    It's b/c the deciples and others were woefully ignorant on how to pray. They even asked Jesus how to pray. So, he taught us to pray the Lord's prayer b/c it covers all the bases. So, if you want to pray , but don't know how, say the Lord's Prayer.
    The first part of it is acknowledging that God is the soverign God of heaven and the universe. Then there is the supplecation---where you ask God for food,protection from evil, and forgiveness.
    The last part acknowledges that the earth and all the universe is God's Kingdom, and that we glorify Him. And that no other power, no not even Satan has power over God .

    Another good answer, mycatsmom.

    Here is the LORDS prayer and 23 psalm  they're wonderful and beautiful!!""""""

    According to Jesus, it is the perfect prayer.

    The Lord is my shepard... DO you want to words or do you want to know why is was said or the relivance today???


    I don't understand your question; and that is the 23rd psalm anyway; NOT the Lord's Prayer

    You have the Lords Prayer mixed up with the 23rd Psalm there Jenn:)
    leeroy!You certainly know your Lord Prayer! I couldn't of said better than that,you really are a devoted person,that not hard to see.

    Actually it is: "Our Father which art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name.
    thy kingdom come,
    thy will be done,
    on earth as it is here in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    and forgive us our trespassors,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
    For thyne is the kingdom, the power, and the glory
    Forever and Ever Amen"


    Rambos mum "on earth as it is in heaven" "give us our daily bread" "Lead us not" "Thine is"

    Actually, it should be called the disciple's prayer. It was given by Jesus to the disciples to provide a prayer for them until His ressurection. It has little meaning today, since the kingdom has come and resides within the believers of the ressurected Jesus.


    God is still the God of the Kingdom of Heaven

    Actually it has much meaning today. It works as well now as it did when it was taught.

    I'm glad someone dragged this old question out of the attic...I wasn't here 7 months ago. 
    The Lord's Prayer can be found in the new testament, Matthew 6:9-13. 
    Jesus may have been speaking to the disciples, but he was speaking about the "holy" people who made a show of praying loudly and publicly, as if that made them more pious.   Jesus told the disciples not to babble on and on, because you don't need to ask God 500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000+  times for a blessing or need to be received. 
    I think the lesson about prayer is part of the beattitudes???   No matter, it is a simple and complete prayer, and it was given to us by Jesus.  That's enough for me.

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