    Orbital floor blow out?

    Has anyone else had the injury. Do you still have nerve damage?
    i had the right side of my face recontructed. Plastic orbital floor, fuzed cheek bone and rebuilt nose. It was 4 yrs ago and I still have pain and spasims in the right eye area. No one would ever know that I had it done... I had an amazing doctor.

    +3  Views: 526 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Know where even close to that. I hope I'm not out of line to ask what happened?

    Four wheeler acident.. I hit a mogle and when face first into the deer/cooler rack on the front of the atv and then striaght to the dirt.... Everyone came running and screaming I sadi.. Im good just get me a cold rag. The ER sent me home and told me I was fine.. The next day I could not move my eye, so I went to the eye dr.. He about had a stroke!!! Iwas in the hospital (different hospita) that day. I alomst lost my eye and abilty to have econtructibe serg. because of the bad DX. But the Four wheeler is fine.. Dont worry.

    WoW Jenn that's hard..I got into a ATV accident several years ago,broke a tail bone, my friend dislocated his shoulder and had bad road rash. I was the lucky one I flew through the air and landed in a ditch, alot of black and blue on me for a couple weeks. I still remember waking up next to a electric pole and wondering what the fu###..
    Jesus! How the hell did that happen????
    I've had more injuries than Evil Knevil but I've never heard of that!

    Four wheeler acident.. I hit a mogle and when face first into the deer/cooler rack on the front of the atv and then striaght to the dirt.... Everyone came running and screaming I said.. Im good just get me a cold rag. The ER sent me home and told me I was fine.. The next day I could not move my eye, so I went to the eye dr.. He about had a stroke!!! Iwas in the hospital (different hospita) that day. I alomst lost my eye and abilty to have recontructive serg. because of the bad DX. But the Four wheeler is fine.. Dont worry>

    Had it? No...ever heard of it? No. Sounds like a long painful procedure. I'm wondering if there's a cream or ointment that can be applied in the area of the eye muscle that is having the spasms.

    Hmmm ointment never crossed my mind. I will check on that.

    I meant to say a medicated cream or ointment to relax the muscle, lol Sorry.

    I knew what you meant.. and I really never thought of that. Dont be sorry for anything you are fabulous!

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