    Do you think the man who tried to pay a disputed $25.00 doctor's bill in pennies should be charged with disorderly conduct? Pennies are a legal US tender are they not?

    +12  Views: 1659 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: legal

    19 Answers

    I got a fine for fishing in a private pond with the owners permission.Because a trout stream ran into the pond i got a$25.00 fine i paid it in pennies.he came on private property so i took it too court.I lost can't beat the system.
    negative.. but he could have at least gone to the bank and got them converted to paper ... maybe its some of thees doctors that should be behind bars...

    I'm sure he did it on purpose. That's something that's been done in the past when someone wanted to make a statement about a bill they really didn't think they should have to pay but knew they had to. It's a way of saying, now I'm really going to make you earn your money. Count it :)
    I agree, he should not be charged. What a waste of our judicial system. If I were a client of the same doctor, I'd send him pennies for my bill too just for not having a sense of humor.

    That's exactly what I would have done.
    I live in Australia too.When we had pennies they were only considered legal tender up to a certain amount.I forget what that amount was,it may have been 10 Shillings.(Equivalent of $1 since the decimal change over).But charging some one in court is just jamming up the court system & wasting money.(Taxpayers money!)

    I didn't know that.

    Well there ya go!
    I can understand a person's frustration with being billed for something they think is not right. But doing something of that nature only makes a bad day for whoever gets stuck dealing with it. It might make a scene, but the doctor isn't the one stuck dealing with it.
    Some guy recently tried to pay off his mortgage with milk crates full of rolled pennies on a big cart. They made him take them to a facility that was capable of recieving money in that form and had a place to hold it.
    To get himself arrested for disorderly conduct, the guy must have lost his composure after they refused to accept payment in that form. Regardless of whether it is acceptable currency, someone must have pushed him over the edge, and he ended up getting irate when told it wouldn't be accepted.
    I think he would have been better off to refute the bill in writing, stating his reason for not paying it. They would have to take it to a small claims court to collect, and then the guy could subpoena the doctor as a witness and make him have to appear. If the guy was right according to law, he wins...and the doctor really has incentive to change his billing policies. In most states the loser pays court costs and legal fees.
    No he should not be charged with anything. If he is charged than it just goes to show how screwed up this country really is.

    That's what I was wondering. I live in Australia.
    I think in the UK you can only use in legal tender in pennies ?1.00 worth which is 100 pennies
    eggplat you are a clever little Aussie, you should know you can only use coins up to a certain value to pay a bill.
    You even have to let some banks know you are bringing in a money box for counting.

    How things change in the name of progress.

    Absolutely Pl.If you don't count it & bag it i $10 lots they will charge you for counting it.
    pennies is money too. silly drs. maybe that was that mans last.
    the man trying to cash in the pennies was most likely making a scene because of a bill thats in dispute with the Dr.
    ole hipster

    He definitely was making some sort of a "scene" otherwise he would not have been arrested for disorderly contact for merely trying to pay his bill with pennies...he should have at least wrapped them in bank wrappers. (:
    I think there is some sort of regulation about how many pennies can be turned in to pay a bill,, I am not totally sure but it come to mind that any thing over 100 pennies must be wrapped

    Okay, he must have tipped them onto the counter.

    in OZ up to $5 in small change is acceptable any higher can be refused except the banks of course.
    great idea takem or leavem i say good move
    the doctors are lucky he is paying is bill,so many don't...then the staff waste all that time with county or state agenceys to get paid.....probabaly spend lot more to get paid....
    I believe that pennies are money just like a dollar bill is money. It is just the equivalent of paying a $2500.00 bill in single one dollar bills. Do you think that doctor would be complaining if he paid in in ones? It's all money take it or leave it. In the state this country is in he would be lucky just to be getting paid. Some banks won't even turn your pennies into dollars unless you have an account, and if you do have an account you have to leave your money and the bank will deposit it into your account after they count it. I have to trust them to count my money and deposit it even if its rolled.

    We don't even have $1 or $2 bills any more.It's all coins now.Plenty of people pay me up to $50 in coins in my Business.My attitude is to take it when you can, it's all money.If you don't you may wait another month to get paid.

    You've got the right idea, if you don't take it they'll only use it to pay someone else. So take while the taken is good, I say. That is unbelievable all coins? Your pockets must get really heavy!
    Imagine winning a million dollars and getting the pay out in PENNIES.
    If you can't use them to pay a bill.Then get rid of them Ill take all i can get.

    So will I.


    Sorry I wrote the comment int the answer line.

    Absolutely not. The charger should be charged for frivolous charging, but maybe the missing details of the story were the reason...

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