    how can I prove that man made global warming is real?

    Proof of global warming

    0  Views: 509 Answers: 4 Posted: 12 years ago

    4 Answers

    You can't, because it isn't man-made. Any global warming is because of the increase in sun spots, which increase cosmic rays, which hit the earth and vaporize water, which makes humidity and more clouds, which holds the heat in and doesn't allow the heat to escape to space.
    Al Gore tried and failed. He spent over 20 years researching it. Good luck :)

    You are one of the many lemmings that are making AlGore rich, do you understand that? Are you so young that you have no idea how the evolution of earth works? or are you just running in a popularity contest with your schoolmates??

    The earth is 4.5 billion years old, we have been here for 1.6 million years.. This beautiful earth we live on will go through changes in its life, we already know long before this garbage came out of 'global warming' that earth like many planets and solar systems will burn out, it has been happening since the beginning. We are not responsible for anything other than ourselves. The earth is only a temporary home for us.. Trust this, if 'Mother earth' didn't want us here, she would make us extinct just as she did to the dinosaurs.. You are only a drop of water in the ocean, you have no control over nature. You can say you believe in this global warming but what you are doing is stuffing the wallets of all those profiting from your gullibility and those like you..

    BTW: The liberal coordinators of this had changed the name to: 'Climate Change' because they caught so much flack over all the cold weather.. also, did you happen to hear the recorded tapes of the climate change scientist that we caught bragging how they have fooled the people into believing this?? all for money! Also, if you notice due to this exposure, the global warming has slowed down. This will go by the way of the 'food famine' of the 80's, the oil shortage of the 70's etc.. it's a farce! live your life as you are s'posed to live it. believe me, in the future there will be technology beyond your wildest dreams that will bring us clean energy and less pollution. but for now, live your life..

    Here's something ironic for you, C02 is now a toxin, we used to call it 'fertilizer' It's ironic that the same people that love the trees are now ready to kill them by starving them of the very thing that makes them grow, mother earth has her ways of recycling on her own without your help, you GW'ers are just getting in the way.. Move aside, look around you at how beautiful this planet is.. And we are in the middle of it all..

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