    What do you think about reincarnation?

    +5  Views: 1610 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    Maybe IF we get reincarnated, we end up in another solar system as ourselves, or as somebody else. It stands to reason that there are many other solar systems. Each star out there is a sun with planets swirling around it. And on some of those planets are humans, or intelligent humanoids .

    JONADAB voted you down on this. I think it's his Christian side showing. I'm voting you up because I think it's highly possible. Though the body might change, Soul remains the same, so you always come back as yourself, just in a different body.
    I wholeheartedly believe in it. I've been shown the proof but non believers would never believe me since it all comes from personal experience and the things I've been shown within.

    True, I've experienced it too. We are a bit funny in our family. Sometimes, I see the future, my future, and it really happens, just as I saw it in my dream. It has nothing to do with my actions at all.

    My mother died three years ago. My daughter-in-law recently had a baby girl. After the child was born, my sister had a dream of our mother. Mum was sitting on a chair and on her lap was a baby. She kissed my sister on the lips, something she would never do in life. My sister said, "I miss you mum." With that the dream ended. Actually, the child looks like our mother. But, that happens in famillys all the time. Anyway, we were wondering if that is our mother reborn. Maybe time will tell.

    Hmm, some Souls can come right back after dying so it could be her. Or it may have been her letting you know she's already met the baby before it was born. Most Souls however, (as I understand it), take sort of a vacation after they die and go to heaven. They visit with loved ones and exist in the light and do whatever they want to do. They spend time reflecting on the life they just left. Seeing where they made good decisions and bad ones and how they need to account for and take care of the bad ones in their next life. Sometimes hundreds of earth years can pass before they eventually set up a new lifetime. One that will help to take care of any bad karma they earned in the previous life. They can set directions they want their life to take in order to achieve good karma in their new life, however it's designed to happen and set up experiences along the way, to learn and grow by. That's just a simple explanation, there is so much more but I'm not in the mood to write a book tonight and it would take a book or more to explain it all.

    FoG, I know you'll read this. I defer all your comments to eggplant. I will not go through this discussion with you again.

    Coleen, I'd like to take a vacation from life too, sometimes. ;-)
    ~ ~ ~ Julie

    You will :)
    country bumpkin

    You're a total trip Colleen! Have you ever watched a movie called The Reincarnation of Peter Proud? I watched this a couple of times during my teen years and it was a fairly strange movie.

    I don't think I did. Made for TV movies about things like reincarnation are never factual. The writers always toss their own ideas and zing into the mix. Sort of like what happened to the bible. :)
    This must be real because I went to the reincarnation station and found out I'll return as a

    Gee, I believe in reincarnation but I've never heard of a reincarnation station. Can you tell me where to find it?
    Headless Man

    Colleen, have you checked this site out yet, just curious.

    I tried it again and now I would come back as a gorilla?

    No, you won't come back as an animal. Only people who act like savage animals and refuse to fit in with society and attack and kill throughout their life stand the potential of having to be reborn as a lower life form. It just means, their life before was as an animal and they weren't ready yet to be human. It happens. For the most part, once Soul reaches man realization or man consciousness, it gets reborn as man (human) only.

    As for the website, I'm just seeing it now. Will check it out.

    I think Randy will come back as the devil!

    Pfffft, checked the link and felt like I went to the fun house at a carnival. No, you can not find out what you'll be in your next life by visiting a cyber fun house.
    Headless Man

    I didn't take it serious but though you might sense you believe in that stuff.
    But I don't understand how someone as bright as you can?

    eggplant, the devils job has been filled and is not up for replacement.
    As you will see if no one can get to you.

    What you see on that link has nothing to do with reincarnation, it's the same type of thing I've seen on Facebook asking how good a friend you are. They just change the title. Some of the questions can't even be answered with the choices they provide to answer with. Yes, I am much more intelligent than that joke site. I'm much to intelligent to not know you pointed this out as a laugh on me and my beliefs. That's OK though because I still can't figure out why intelligent minded people can believe in a koolaid mix called the trinity or how they believe they really won't be accountable for their sins or that only they will be allowed in heaven among other silly things your religion says. :)

    @ Randy LOL,you're fricken hilarious!!

    <Insert sound byte of a butt kiss here.>
    Headless Man

    You deserve to come back as a pig, a rude one.
    Headless Man

    eggplant!!! don't talk to Colleen like
    maybe if were to come back as circus clown

    If you want to, you can. :) Your choice what you come back as.

    He can work on that ;)
    my mom lived 100 miles away.
    in the days of dial phones i heard HER dialing me about 3 am. i didn't answer it.
    i awoke my husband and said "mom is calling me"
    "go back to sleep," he said. "how could you know she's calling? the phone didn't ring."
    "somthing is wrong. real wrong," i said.
    i put my head on the pillow and heard him slide back to sleep ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    thirty minutes later the phone rang again.
    my husband answered the phone.
    it was my mom telling me that my grandmother had died.
    "did you call about half an hour ago?" I asked.
    "grandma just died. i'm right here with her," said my mom.

    i still haven't read your responses. i just wanted to say this and now i gotta get to work. later.

    that one is about the closest to having something like that verified. wait ... that's not reincarnation. oh well ... i'll try again.
    digger, that's not really credible is it? no body knows but him and me. so for what it is ... it's just kind of a ghost story.
    let's do more of these!!

    Thank you for sharing that with us.
    No, you are right it has nothing to do with reincarnation but thanks anyway
    I repeat reincarnation is highly possible and I do NOT support the "evil spirits" theory in our dreams.
    Dreams are not the result of evil thoughts so evil spirits does not come into the equation.
    I have yet to witness any credible evidence that would support it. I see it as wishful thinking but am open to any verifiable proof if there's any out there.

    We might even end up on another planet and visit earth as grey aliens.

    grey aliens with purple boxes.

    Grey extra-terrestrials with purple boxes? What have you two been smoking ? Wishful thinking, I tell you.

    More like what have we been reading. LOL Both of those come from questions on this forum ;)

    I obviously missed what appears to have been fascinating stories. Proof,Proof, where's the proof ?
    I want to come back as Jose Conseco !

    You can't come back as someone who already has been. I bet you get proof all the time but don't understand it so ignore it and it goes away.

    "to live a dead strict and pios"


    You can come back and be someone like Hefner if you believe you can learn and grow from it. You just can't BE Hefner as there is already a Hefner ;)
    Yes eggplant I also believe death is natures` way of recycling people. I believe it is highly possible that we are reincarnated, as to whether we recall our previous life I do not believe as I have never had any reason to think otherwise.
    Maybe if we were real bad last time round we may be better this time and in that regard we do "recall past life" and subconsciously try to do better.

    Deja Vu ;) Tiny memories or feelings that we've been there, done that but never have at least not in the present life. What we don't remember consciously, Soul does remember and sometimes whispers to our subconscious. Deja Vu.

    When I lived in Sri Lanka for five years, there were a few cases of small children remembering their past lives. They didn't know it, but they remembered things and places that their parents had no knowledge of.

    JONADAB voted you down on this, I'm voting you back up.

    I don't get it. If the infants recalled what they (or adults) believe were past lives, how can anyone confirm that those lives existed in the first place ?

    Did you ever dream about flying when you were young Digger? I mean flying with no airplane or something around you? Did you ever fly to places you did not recognize from your waken life but knew you had seen these places before? Did you ever meet someone in your life that you felt you had know all your life, an instant closeness and kinship that you could not explain? In your conscious state did you ever get the feeling that something you just did, you had done before but knew for sure you hadn't. Those are just some clues. You may not remember them because you just brushed them away because they made no sense or you simply came up with another explanation for them.

    Thank you Colleenxx
    I kind of, sort a believer...sure beats ashes to ashes, dust to dust...don't you think?

    Sure does. Something to look forward to, as long as we don't come back like Osama.


    I think JONADAB summed it up pretty well. Thank you for letting us know about those verses in the bible. I wasn't too familiar with them.
    Also, nowdays, we know enough about DNA to give any creedence to reincarnation.

    What does DNA have to do with reincarnation? How can it possibly discount it?
    I wondered when Randy was going to surface.
    I believe what Bestway said about King Saul,but my understand of death and spirits as we know,is once your dead you no longer have any memories or consciousness,so whether you've been dead thousand of year it make no difference,it like time has stop,for the dead that is.those that mess around spirit in the afterlife put them self in danger off screwing around their brain,you should stay away from these practices,you have enough problem in this world to deal with.

    Well, you have'nt been there, so how would you know? you know only what you have read. What you have read will get you nowhere. You can only swallow the bible and regurgitate it.

    Thank you for your comments facebook. I try very hard to get people to read their bibles with an open mind and to benefit from what they read because it is the hand book of our grand creator. However the bible is like a hugh jigsaw puzzle you need a little help from someone to tell you where to find the right answer. In Ecclesiastes 9v5 It tells us that the living are conscious that they will die, but the dead are conscious of nothing at all. But then at John 5v28 it tells us that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and he unrighteous. Reincarnation is not part of the purpose of the Almighty. Millions now living are looking forward to the rule of Gods son whenwe can have resurection parties instead of funerals. This proclamation being preached earth wide Matt 24v14. Millions are putting faith in this future.

    Bestway!I know that your right on this ans.but tell me do you agree what I said,about when your dead, you know nothing,time has stop for you,a minute or a thousand year,but until the return of Jesus promise a resurrection.

    This is about reincarnation. Not the bible, not Christ, not Watchtower, not Christianity. It's about reincarnation. Something Watchtower took and made a mess of by calling it sleep and born again but in the same body(?), I think is what they believe. Weird.

    This seems like a big topic,too complicated to me.

    I don't believe in it at all,it's a bizarre thought,it would be pointless,after living my life, I don't want to come back as anybody,I just want to remain in paradise with our father.Plain an room for debate.

    What if you have no choice? I would not like to come back either.

    She SAID, there's no room for debate!

    I'm open to this and curious.. ever heard of Bridy Murphy, true story of a woman who was hypnotized, and kept going back in time until she was in a previous life. Research showed that only she, Bridy Murphy, could have known details that she gave about her life.

    Yes, it's interesting. I've seen that on television.

    No, I believe spirits can know and conjure up answers that seem real. If God designed reincarnation, then why would He have needed to die such a horrible death for us? It would have been a waste and worthless. God's not stupid, despite our incessant insistence on "finding our own way". What amazes me is that He's so patient and doesn't just annihilate us for our stubborn independence. "For we like sheep have gone astray..." (again and again)

    @ poetessmom, you make such a valid point,it would be pointless.He is patient and so loving,he gives us a choice,although some may not like the results of the choices,it is ours to make,he is allowing you to make your own destiny.I have so much love and respect for him because of that.:)

    Boy are you two in for a shock, lol. I hope you can handle it.

    God has never died. It's not possible for God to die.

    I'm so glad I'm not a sheep..ple

    God gave me a brain, a mind, independence and reasoning. I use them all. Life is beautiful. Heaven is all around. Something you miss when you live in a flock and can only see the fluff of the other sheep beside you and the tail end of the one in front of you. Dust everywhere chocking up your senses and blinding your sight. No thanks.
    It is a Hindu doctrine also found in Buddism but not found anywhere in the Bible. Many of Christendoms false religious teachers have tried to claim Jesus the Messiah was God incarnate but that doctrine is not find in the bible either.

    It depends of the person believing that humans have immortal souls that survive death. If you believe this you are wide open to accepting messages in the form of dreams and hallucinations from the spirit world. By that I mean evil spirits. Compare Duet 18v9-13 This was the reason Israel's first King Saul was deprived of his Kingship. He disobeyed his God and consulted the witch of Endor who conjured up a demon spirit who appeared as the dead phrophet Samuel. Read 1 Samuel 28


    Rot. I read that at one time, Christianity did have reincarnation.

    What does reincarnation have to do with witches and the bible? This is about reincarnation. Can we please keep the bible out of it? The bible is not the answer for all. It's certainly not the answer for me but reincarnation is. Watchtower is messed up. It took reincarnation and twisted the meaning and called it "born again". Damn made up religions.

    Not much. I like regular milk better.

    I asked God what its like to die, not that I want to die just know what its like so I can tell others and maybe they won’t be so afraid. Three days later as I sat on my bed I felt something strang happening. I looked around the room and I couldn’t help but to notice the room seemed to have become quit featureless. That is it seemed like I was looking without any depth perception. Then I noticed the room seemed to get darker, more like a pencil drawing of the room, then as it got darker holes started to appear like a stuck celluloid movie burning out in a theater and there I was in the sky it seemed. It looked like I was looking out of a porthole and had control over the direction I was looking. So I rotated around to see where I was. But all I could see was sky. I conned rotating and came to a large Yellow Ball that nearly filled my view. I heard a voice that spoke to me saying “Have no Fear”, I felt comforted by that and calmed down a bit. I heard a hissing sound and turned to see what it was. I say the planet Jupiter  coming in toward me and heard a voice saying “Usurpation of the will of God” and I thought Jupiter crashed into me but I felt only a little breeze like someone blowing on the hair on your arm feels. Maybe he just flew by.  so then I turned back to the Yellow Ball and said “ I’d like to go back now.”  The my room with me sitting on the bed faded into view and I was aware of my body which was completely panic stricken. It took a few minuets to get it calmed down enough to walk down a flight of stairs where my mom met me at the bottom of the stairs panic stricken and asked me “What Happened?”. I replied, “Nothing happened,” ignoring her concern and got a can of soda pop from the Ice box. She has never been able to accept anything out of the ordinary.

    Since then I have seen so much about reincarnation etc that it seems more funny than real. I think our reality is assigned or chosen based on our personal need and or plan to experience, Reincarnation may not be necessary to continue to experience and learn. I think our form of expressed existence is what we think we need or what is assigned to us for our benefit. I don’t think we are being tested or tempted so much as nurtured in a calming and secure environment. I think we are children in Heaven’s nursery.   

    yes I do`Hope this to be my last lifetime as I am tired now and just want to go Home`


    OK, this works if you're a Christian. I however am not a Christian and I think the bible is a lot of bunk.

    Crikey, I started something.

    That is your problem. I will pray for your soul.

    Do not pray for me. I do not believe in prayer. I find it to be an evil controlling thing when coming from people who hold themselves above me due to their belief they are saved and I am not. I denounce your prayer, keep it for yourself, you'll need it.

    All the atoms that made up people plants and animals are recycled into other beings, so to that extent, reincarnation is a fact.  I believe that my body contains some atoms that made up Jesus' body but can only be from His foreskin or His primary teeth since all the rest of Him ascended into heaven.



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