    Do you believe in Global Warming ?

    It's scam. We had the coldest winter with the most snow in decades. Al Gore got a Nobel and an Oscar of out it.

    +4  Views: 802 Answers: 14 Posted: 13 years ago

    Thank you everybody for making your comments kind and well though out with no arguing, and no attacking me or other commenters. The people who frequent akaQA are a bunch of good people and like family to me :-)

    14 Answers

    I do not believe in Global warming. I feed the birds all year round. However this spring and now there is only an occational bird, where there were so many before, that I had to fill the birdfeeder every day.Now its every two weeks. I would like to know what happened to them. Something funny is going on.

    that's sad. And I have seen many articles about a lot of dead birds popping up :-(

    Yes, no, ummmmmmm, maybe.   Can I think about this a little more?



    that pic is amazing !

    what the heck? I have never seen anything like this!
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The global warming controversy is a variety of disputes regarding the nature, causes, and consequences of global warming. The disputed issues include the causes of increased global average air temperature, especially since the mid-20th century, whether this warming trend is unprecedented or within normal climatic variations, whether humankind has contributed significantly to it, and whether the increase is wholly or partially an artifact of poor measurements. Additional disputes concern estimates of climate sensitivity, predictions of additional warming, and what the consequences of global warming will be.
    It was a big load of crap the governments of the world are trying to push down peoples throats, in order to make a green movement happen sooner.

    It could be they own stock in all the green companies, at least they paid into their campaign funds. There must be something else political behind it as well. Usually having to do with making new laws to limit the industries or individuals freedoms. If you can effect business it will help by regulating some of the ones your not in bed with. Just politics as usual I suppose.
    yes, i do.
    maybe its getting warmer from everybody burning al gores book...who really knows
    I just happened to watch another aspect of this. It isn't necessarily global warming, but global change of weather patterns. The co2 level has remained constant, without significant rise. What HAS happened, is an increase in sun spots, which increases cosmic rays, which increases water vapor levels to rise, which increases cloud cover, which then causes certain areas to retain the heat, instead of letting it escape back into space. This is what is causing the weird storms and weather patterns we are experiencing. If the sun spots stop, then we should return to normal weather cycles again.

    Maybe I'm changing my mind about global warming. Maybe it is true. Here in  Mich, on Thurs, it was 94 on Sept 1st, and on Tues, Sept 2nd, it's supposed to be 98  !  Unheard of !

    It's a big scam. Scientist work for companies. Those companies pay them to say what THEY want. There are big bucks to be made in fooling people. Look at Al Gore, he's made billions from it. Ive found that most of these so-called scientist are only Professors of engineering or geology. Go to a real scientist Piers Corbyn, who is an Astro-Physicist.
    My personal feeling is it is some weird idea someone came up with and sold it to the world. The best marketing job since Mc Donalds. Does any one really think McDonalds make a good hamburger? Pigs arse, they smother everthing with mayonaise so that is all you taste.
    Well global warming is the same except it has been covered with misinformation not mayo. The world climate has gone through changes since for ever.
    Governments have latched onto the dreaded CC, scared the bejusus out of a gullible population "Oh their the government they should know" and now Australia is facing a carbon tax on industry at $30 a ton. How they measure it is not clearly stared but "Their the government they should know"
    The only thing they should know is climate change is just that, climate change. It is not the Apocalypse.
    I'm sorry Mycatsmom but i'm trying not to laugh, hahahahahaha, sorry again,
    with all respect, yes, global warming is real, i can't believe you actually asked!
    funny, but um, do you really, really think that the affects would take place in one day or one year or so, NO, big NO, it seems to me you don't have much knowledge of the subject, how about google it and research it for yourself, go0d luck with it ! :)
    I think that is current problem. 20-30 years ago were much colder winters in my home contry. There was always snow. This is consumer society?s fault. Too many production, too many cars, etc.
    I understand, Cats mom.

    However, i differ in argument. I believe it is very possible that the planet is running into a dry spell. How we waste because we seldom wait for what we want anymore. i speak of the ease of wasting water, when the planet dries on certain sides causing drought in diverse places. Where others recede the grasses for lack of rain.

    How easy we fight for oil, the blood of the land. Sucking much of it, we ponder great storms as they rise, and wonder; why the tempest?

    Global warming, yep! i believe we are doing it, causing it, ourselves.

    your sister,


    I was on a bus one day overhearing two fellows discuss this very topic. One fellow said to the other, "You know, this global warming thing is a croc and it's fulla crap!"

    He went on to say, "Yeah, if I put ice in my glass of water, when it melts, I still have the same amount of water."

    Interesting that he doesn't have the same amount of ice, I thought.

    Yes, I do!
    Mankind has made an impact on this planet, some for the better, some for the worst
    We can't continue to use up all of our reserves at the present rate
    We must work towards "sustainablity"!

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