
    And I'm having a hard time picking them all up! How's your weather right now where you are at? And have you not noticed significant weather changes over the years?

    +4  Views: 1277 Answers: 15 Posted: 13 years ago

    15 Answers

    tomorrow supposed to be light in the morning and dark at prediction
    ole hipster

    You're always predictably funny! (:
    It's been a wet spring here in Cleveland so far,hey "ole hipster" seens like we always get what you get the next day,so i'll be watching for those cats & dogs...
    ole hipster

    Hey CR...thanks for your midwestern answer my friend and neighbor (well, kind of!) Just sweep them critters off your doorstep so you can float out the door!
    It's been pissing here for month's literally. As far as climate change, I believe the weather has changed quite a bit in my lifetime.
    ole hipster

    Yup...Mother Nature has been taking a long leak over Chicago for quite some time now! Weather has been crazy in your book also I "see"!!
    ed shank

    The big boat is almost done. It's the two of each animals I'm having a problem with. Can't catch them.

    Try with cookies. Works fine for most birds and mammals.
    Weather has been nice here warm in the 80s, too much rain and the grass gets high over night it seems.
    ole hipster

    Are you living in Heaven? Sounds like it to me right now...still miserable here! thanks for your answer (:
    Headless Man

    Close to almost heaven, Ohio. next to West
    Don't step in a Poodle!

    lol..good one Randy Palmer:)
    ole hipster

    Randy Palmer...again I laugh out loud...thank you!
    Yeah, it's usually raining in S.FL this time of year somewhere, but not as much lately. It's just hot and humid as usual near 90, looks like were going to have a long hot summer....
    ole hipster

    So, you're still living in southern Florida..did not realize that...kiss the sun and the Atlantic ocean for me please...By the've gone viral again! 20,000+ my friend!! Well deserved. (:

    Last time I was here it was a lot less. Wonder how long it would have taken me to notice? Thank you Hipster...
    It is a beautiful sunny day in upstate NY. (Subject to change if recent pattern prevails)
    ole hipster

    Thanks for your answer Mr. Wilson (:
    It's grey AGAIN here. This spring I can count on two hands how many sunny days we have had. My heaters are still coming on! I think the hydro company has figured out how to keep the temperatures down so we have to pay more;)
    ole hipster

    where do you live? Curious here...sounds quite lovely...I imagine you are around the coast of Maine..enlighten me! And ya' know I would not seriously doubt your statement about the hydro companies!! (:

    I live on the west coast of Vancouver Island B.C. Canada. It is beautiful here...just painfully cool for this time of year. It's soon as the sun comes out you see everyone literally running out to feel it on our skin.We are all so white here I'm sure they can see us glowing from the space

    eastern canada i got sara palin vision

    lol...unfortunatly I'm not sure if thats good or bad:)
    ole hipster

    Sorry Mom...just read your comment...I go on and off of site all the time...obviously lose track of whatever is going on and said....Canada, huh?? Dad was French Canadian, thus I'm half Canadian...beautiful country from what I've always heard..never had the luxury of being able to go up that far in the US...hope to be able to do so at some point in time....(:

    Life is short...I just finished a client who is having a celebration of life for her husband tonight who a year ago was given six months to live.His life was short but they spent the last year doing everything that they had ever wanted to do filling her life with memories.It is beautiful here. I have never been to the U.S. and it's only a ferry ride away so next summer I am taking the boys on a road trip. Would love to see the Grand Canyon.This summer we are off to Peru on a tour. I have decided life can change in a blink. Who knows ole just might have a place to come stay and do some touring here on the island one day;)
    ole hipster

    You are too sweet! If you ever come to the midwest of the US and end up near or in Chicago...let me know...would love to be able to show you and the kids around! (:
    I live in the south of England. We are having one of the hottest, dryest springs on record. I am saddened to see the havoc that the tornados in the U.S. are bringing. Is this normal at this time of year?

    Sorry, I dont know why youve got this twice

    Thumbs up on your kind answer, if you get an internal error message after you leave a comment, it still will post. As many times as you try to make it post it will.

    No, it's just a cycle. We have had a lot of rain down here in Australia. Everyone gets their tails in a knot and thinks it's due to warming. Rot, it will cycle back again. I remember when I was a little kid, it rained for three weeks. And we had hot weather then also. I read that in the 1930s everyone was saying that an ice age was coming. Haa, haa.
    the breeze blows my chimes in an eerie way ...
    Yes, there have been changes in climate over the years. The seasons are getting more and more undifferentiated: it rains in the dry season and it does not rain regularly anymore during the rainy season.
    ole hipster

    Nice to hear from another "old timer" on site here! I guess we can't attribute these crazy weather patterns to global warming all of the time...makes one stop, pause, think and reflect. (:

    Yeah, I'm afraid I don't belong to the young generation anymore... I notice that especially when I catch myself staring at a guy, and then suddenly the siren turns on: "He is TOO YOUNG for you, pervie!!!!!"

    But on the other hand, yes, I have had the privilege to witness climate change. So there are pros to my condition, too...

    Oh, and could you send a pocket Chihuahua to my PO Box, so my dove has someone to play with?
    I live in the south of England. We are having one of the hottest, dryest springs on record. I am saddened to see the havoc that the tornados in the U.S. are bringing. Is this normal at this time of year?

    No, it's not normal. Tornadoes have doubled compared to last year. They are also getting bigger and doing more damage.
    ole hipster

    Yes...I did not think I was alone in noting the crazy weather patterns over these last few years especially. (:
    I live in San Diego. As usual it is nice&sunny here. We get 340 days of sun here, with less than 10 inches of rain. Many, many, people come from across the USA to visit here. There is so many things to do. The only drawback is it costs a lot to live here.
    with the end of the world , last Friday, I think God really wanted us to build an ark. Just could not find two matches of everything.Cats, dogs and a few elephens fell from the sky, but I just could not find those matching socks! heeeeee

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