    Help find a funeral song

    I need a country song about a hard working country type father.

    +4  Views: 5293 Answers: 27 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: family death

    He is still makin it.. He is the strongest man I ever met. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers I know they are working. His favorite holiday is Easter. And he WILL see another one. My brother has moved in with them to help out. I am so lucky to have such a caring family. And caring Goddly friends. Lots of love


    Hi Jenn. Was thinking about your dad and thought I would ask about him God Bless

    27 Answers

    <a href="/users/779/jenn/">@Jenn</a> - I'm I late? When did your father pass? I just notice the date!!!


    Thank you. Take care, all is well!!!


    He is still fighting the fight.. Strongest man I have ever know... he did not want us to have to deal wih arrangements directly after he passed so we are doing it now... He has already passed thr dr. "expiration date".. thats my DAD!

    <a href="/users/779/jenn/">@Jenn</a> - Sorry for your loss! I pray for strength, and courage to you and your family.

    You request a country song for your father. I don't know too much about country music, but I found a song written by Luther Vandross to his father when he died.


    Back when I was a child
    Before life removed all the innocence
    My father would lift me high
    And dance with my mother and me and then

    Spin me around till I fell asleep
    Then up the stairs he would carry me
    And I knew for sure
    I was loved

    If I could get another chance
    Another walk, another dance with him
    I’d play a song that would never, ever end
    How I’d love, love, love to dance with my father again

    Ooh, ooh

    When I and my mother would disagree
    To get my way I would run from her to him
    He’d make me laugh just to comfort me, yeah, yeah
    Then finally make me do just what my mama said

    Later that night when I was asleep
    He left a dollar under my sheet
    Never dreamed that he
    Would be gone from me

    If I could steal one final glance
    One final step, one final dance with him
    I’d play a song that would never, ever end
    ‘Cause I’d love, love, love to dance with my father

    Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
    And I’d hear her, mama cryin’ for him
    I pray for her even more than me
    I pray for her even more than me

    I know I’m prayin’ for much too much
    But could You send back the only man she loved
    I know You don’t do it usually
    But Lord, she’s dyin’ to dance with my father again
    Every night I fall asleep
    And this is all I ever dream



    I know that this isn't a country song, but it brought me to tears at a funeral and that wasn't easy to do at this particular time in my life. My friends father died and he had a musician play amazing grace on the bag pipes, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Hope this helps...

    Thank you all so much for the suggestions. My father has not passed away yet. He has termnal lung cancer and we are planning the funeral. He does not have long, but we are enjoying every minute with him. He is truly one of the good guys. Last of his kind... rough, tough, direct, hard working, and real.


    I am a Christian... Bless and bathed.


    I dont know what you believe but I have prayed for your dad that he will know peace and does not suffer.

    The final song I had played at my Mom's funeral and it was really beautiful was Go Rest High on That Mountain by Vince Gill. It was truly touching and beautiful end to the ceremony.

    Amy Smith

    I agree! So beautiful.


    We chose this one too. TY.

    I have searched every site I can think of..I still cant find The Man in the Picture by the Bobcat

    so sorry to hear of your loss the song i would want at my funerl would be "My fairwell party by gene watson bless you.

    take me home country road.

    You have touched my heart in a way I cannot describe! My tears cannot erase your pain but if they could...they would. I am speachless.

    I regret your loss...more than you could know. I am late but if only in condolensce I would offer "My Father's Hands" for YOU. Sincerely.


    you are not late he has not passed away. He has send stage lung cancer. We dicided to use "My Fathers Hands"... my cousin is going to sing it if he can. Yhank you so very much for your caring heart.

    I just today on UTube heard Alan Jackson sing the hymn How Great Thou Art and it was beautiful. That has always been a favorite of mine. Consider it. Am so glad you are enjoying your dad. Remember, memories are what we have afterward.

    I hate to say it, but judging by when this question was first asked, that person must've already had their service and burial. Bless their soul Jenn, whoever, it was. It was nice of you to try to find a really neat song in the first place and am glad you got so many responses. RIP


    No he is still kicking he is a strong old goat.. my dad has end stage lung cancer but he is giving it hell!

    my dad passed 3years ago dixie by dwight yokam brings tears to my eyes every time i hear it

    How about "I'll Stand By You" (Pretenders) for the grieving relatives?


    yes it is.....

    Ms Sinclair

    I know it's not a country song but it's still a good one.

    "Angels among us" by Alabama

    Hi Jenn
    I don't know any such song and I see mine is the only answer. If you get an answer you are looking for then good luck if not I used the following prayer for my mother. I hope you like it.
    '' Oh beautiful flower of carmel, most fruitful vine, splendour of heaven, holy and singular, who brought forth the son of God, still ever remaining a pure virgin, assist me with this my nessesity, lift my soul into heaven. Oh star of the sea and land help and protect me. Show me that thou art my mother. Mother and ornament of carmel pray for us, Virgin flower of carmel, pray for us, Patroness of all who wear the scapular pray for us, St Joseph chast spouse of Mary pray for us, friend to the sacred heart pray for us, Patron of departing souls pray for us. Amen''

    Born too late

    Ma'am, your prayer is both beautiful and with much merit. The song goes like this: Sometimes I get lost, sometimes I get oh so scared
    When these wires get crossed, somehow I end up nowhere
    But there is where I turn from what I sought to gain
    And there is where I learn that I've only to call upon His name.

    Born too late

    And the rest: Chorus: It's in my Father's hands and I have no fear
    There's no point making plans when His hands can steer
    Why should I so small and frail, carry life's demands
    When He can see where I might fail and where I might stand
    It's in my Father's hands.
    Sometimes we go wrong, sometimes we get one track minds
    Thinking all alone that we can handle life just fine
    But there is where we turn and find it's not to gain
    And there is where we learn that we've only to call upon His name.

    It has been done by several artists, understandably.

    Be well.


    Mary was a special young lady who said "Yes" to God and bore His Son.
    After that, as a loving wife she would have done as scripture guides wives to do and been one with her husband in loving union and bore further children - and of course no longer a virgin, but pure in heart. Jesus is always praying for us and we can pray to the Father through Jesus. He always hears our prayers if we have received Him as our Saviour. The best thing we can do for our loved ones before they meet their creator, is to lead them to express their faith in Jesus and receive from Him forgiveness for their sins.


    We can then be sure of their eternal salvation and place with Him in heaven. Not because we are perfect, but because when God looks at us, with our sins forgiven - He sees Jesus. Isn't that great? What better gift could we have! xx Hope you find a song or hymn that you like. We had "I just called to say I love you." God bless your dad xx

    Daddy's hands


    HE passed away Oct. 3 of last year... This is the song I chose... The most amazing song I have ever heard about a real daddy.

    the only ways is up

    We played 'Somewhere out there' at my mothers funeral.. It was lovely

    MAN IN THE PICTURE by The Bobcat. Fabulous song! look on you tube or metro lyrics. or order it through a music shop.

    Jenn, I have the best song. Was racking my brain for two days trying to think of the name. It's called Man in he Picture, sung by The Bob Cat. It was used at a funeral of a man I know. Really beautiful.


    I have looked every where for this song... I cant find it. Any suggestion on how to find it.

    psyco mum

    OOPS sorry it's 'Man in THE Picture' Try you tube or metro lyrics

    Good bye my lover - James blunt
    Candle in the wind - Elton John
    Dance With My Father - Luther Vandross
    Gone away - Offspring

    I just typed in Bing "Country Song Funeral" and pages of them came up.

    sorry to hear about ur father. brooks and dunn as a song hard working man but it upbeat

    sorry for you loss, i have an idea: heaven - covered by dj sammy if you get the slow non-dance version is good and it is my fav

    Daddy Never Was A Cadillac Kind by Confederate Railroad great song played it my fathers funeral

    "I can only imagine" is a beautiful song, I picked out when my mother passed on a couple years back. I miss her so much.

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