    I like what the Queen said about all of the hoopla surrounding Harry and Meghan. What about you? 


    Prince Harry, and Meghan to give up royal highness titles, and more:       What do you think? 

    +5  Views: 1566 Answers: 7 Posted: 4 years ago
    country bumpkin

    The two questions you asked on this topic should have been combined into one question.

    7 Answers

    Good for Harry and Meghan! The Queen has made a statement, now let's see what really takes place. They are more than welcome in Canada and I hope that the tabloids here, will be respectful of this family. The British tabloids have been downright ugly and should be ashamed of themselves, spewing such obvious racism! I feel sorry that they have had so much hatred thrown their way.



    They are both intelligent, good looking, well-spoken and have lots to offer. Neither of them "needs" the title HRH and if nothing else, they will be offered book deals, movies, speaking engagements, etc. I doubt that they will end up homeless.       :)

    Yep...She did well.

    I applaud Prince Harry for his decision to break away from his royal duties and lead his own life with the woman of his choice. As I see it, this was an inevitable step for him to take when one considers what his dearly beloved mother went through. The main culprits in this sad story are his granny Queen Elizabeth, his father (?) Prince Charles and his second wife, former Camilla Bowles, now The Duchess of Cornwall.


    His (?) father.... :)
    country bumpkin

    Ducky, have you ever seen a comparison between Harry and James Hewitt?

    Yes, that's why I smiled. Harry looks an awful lot like Diana's "friend". :))))

    He has served this country well, let him and his new family do what they want.

    When they were first married,i do not believe this was what Harry would have wanted..Harry is just as much to blame,but Meghan is the instigator,,i personally do not believe the marriage will survive this,,but time will tell if Meghan does or does not become known as the lady who pulled down a prince..i guess all i can say is"watch this space"..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    country bumpkin

    What I've heard is that Harry is behind Meghan 100%. Why? Because he sees that Meghan is being ripped apart just like his mother had been for so many years. Harry does not want to see a repeat of what happened to his mother.

    Sure terry, it has to be the woman's fault. I sometimes wonder where on earth you get your news or if you even bother to LISTEN to words coming from the actual MOUTHS of the people involved. Have you heard Harry speak about the situation? There is serious racism involved....serious, nasty, mean, brutal racism!!! I might add that Harry's mother was a target as well....SHE was the problem not Charles (I guess), who incidentally had a continuous affair with Camilla all during his marriage to Diana! Bad, bad Diana. Bad, bad Meghan. Poor guys.
    terryfossil 1

    Aaahhhh Quacker,,i do not know about me missing what people say,,but you definitely missed the small print on the second line of my answer,where i said Harry is just as much to blame,,by the way i see on our Sunrise News,,a poll taken in Canada showed 73% of Canadians do not want to pay for their security Guards,,but then who believes polls,,after Trump destroyed them and Scomo destroyed them and Boris destroyed them..???and just to get back on the Harry pair.and remember i am a royalist..Harry said " what Meghan wants Meghan gets",,i believe Meghan half sister said the same thing before the for listening to what people say..remember the saying," believe half you see,and none you hear,,especially in this day and age,,,as always ,,,good to exchange opinions with you Quacker..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<..

    Didn't miss a thing....."Meghan is the instigator". Of course SHE is. Bad, bad Meghan! Some of the headlines in the British tabloids, are not fit to print here on akaQA. Racist, racist, racist!!! No one, not even a "female instigator", deserves that. Would you like your wife treated with such disrespect?
    terryfossil 1

    You have a right to your opinion Quacker,,as do i..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<< the way,i seen harry on tv this morning,he seemed to be back to his old self,,hes in UK shes in Canada..

    I saw him too and we certainly know that Meghan is here in Canada. "Back to his old self"? They are both partaking in their normal causes. My opinion is only based on what I SEE and HEAR each of them Would you like your wife treated with such disrespect?

    No one reads the British press anymore.

    ....yippy, free and independent 


    ....many people are successes without titles, what's new


    What you think about leaving your clock behind in London?

    Well, sort of. The Queen is still in charge; just further away.

    I didn’t get it but then I’ve never been a royal watcher (with the exception  of Diana’s death). Don’t know the rules, the why fors of gossip, who’s sleeping with who, who isn’t, and who was buddies with Epstein? A slight curiosity at most.....

    terryfossil 1

    You are probably better off JH..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I have always been a royalist, I may be about to change my views, I am sick of them winging and complaining about the hard life they have, they don't have a clue what life's about. Harry and Meghan want their bread buttered on both sides, they say they want to give up their royal life, by that they mean to live in Canada while they keep the so called cottage in Windsor ( which we paid to renovate) still being subsidised by Daddy Charles. And then appearing on American TV making millions of dollars for the privilege. If that's what living a normal life is I would like some of it, and so would a lot of people of their age who have to get up every morning to work, not knowing if they will earn enough to pay the bills at the end of the week. As for the press being accused of racism , those accusations are total rubbish, the British  press have never been that.

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