    Do you fear dying?

    a friend of mine is dying. He’s accepted the sentence and made plans, gave away his dog, squared off depts. He’s ready but I don’t know. How do you feel about actually passing away, the act itself. Not the after.....

    +6  Views: 931 Answers: 9 Posted: 6 years ago

    9 Answers

    I wouldn't give away my dog, I'd make darn sure I outlived him, I'm not afraid of the end of my life, I've been close a few times, my energy will prevail,hope my death isn't painful.


    I do think you should keep your pet as long as it is taken care of. Many people are comforted my their furry kids!

    I believe I am. I know I will miss out on many things like wondering about my family! I just don't want to suffer or become a burden for my loved ones.

    If you are sure of where you are going and sure you are going to a better place after death,there should be no fear,silly as this may sound,i do not fear leaving this life on earth,i do not feel it is that great a place,i would miss my wife but not much else,the unknown is always fearful.but my faith leads me to want to go when the time comes..not an easy thing to explain or understand until you are in those shoes..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Keep on keeping on...who knows what's ahead.
    terryfossil 1

    The end is in sight my friend..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    I found nothing silly in your answer.
    terryfossil 1

    Thanks for that is a bit hard to explain myself..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    ....the older I get, the more prepared I feel


    Even for the act itself?

    ....yes, I really trust in God and look forward to the next journey

    I wouldn't fear the dying part of it. I fear what kind of suffering I might have leading up to the dying. And I fear dying alone . I want someone there who cares about me !! 

    I just dont want my death to cause injury or death of another. If i'm driving and have heart attack and cause a wreck. 

    I do not fear death. I'm just a little concerned about how much time I'll have to spend getting there. I've seen far too many people lying in a bed,  completely dependent on others, waiting and waiting and waiting. Please.....just pull the plug!!!

    Not really scared of dying, scared of what will lead up to it.

    I have been thinking about it this week, because a friend of ours died on the 8th April, it's his funeral tomorrow, so I have been thinking of him a lot. He was two years older than me, he had not been well for a while, but it's still a shock.


    It's hard when you get older and your friends start dying ; and your cousins die.

    Sorry sunnyB.

    I'm OK with it. 

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